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Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Contact: Democratic Services Tel: 01684 272021  Email:

Link: Click here to watch live broadcast

No. Item



To receive any announcements from the Chair of the Meeting and/or the Chief Executive.


1.1            The Chair advised that the meeting was being held under the emergency provisions of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and, specifically, the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.  The meeting was being broadcast live via the internet, it was not being recorded by the Council but, under the usual transparency rules, it may be being recorded by others.  


Apologies for Absence


2.1            Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C L J Carter, H C McLain, H S Munro and R J Stanley.


Declarations of Interest

Pursuant to the adoption by the Council on 26 June 2012 of the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct, effective from 1 July 2012, as set out in Minute No. CL.34, Members are invited to declare any interest they may have in the business set out on the Agenda to which the approved Code applies.


3.1            The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Council on 26 June 2012 and took effect from 1 July 2012.

3.2            There were no declarations of interest made on this occasion.  


Minutes pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2021.


4.1            The Minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2021, copies of which had been circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.  


Election of Mayor

With the Chair taken by the outgoing Mayor, the Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year will be elected.

·         The Mayor will sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, swear an Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen and return thanks to the Council for his election announcing the appointment of his Chaplain.

·         The Leader of the Council will express the thanks of the Council to the retiring Mayor.

·         The retiring Mayor, Councillor Blackwell, will reply.


5.1            With the retiring Mayor, Councillor Gill Blackwell, in the chair, it was proposed by Councillor Rob Bird, and seconded by Councillor Bob East, that Councillor Andrew Reece be, and is hereby elected, Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury for the ensuing Municipal Year.

5.2            On the Motion being put to the meeting it was declared to be carried, whereupon the Mayor took the chair, signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen.

5.3            In thanking Members for the honour of being elected Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury, Councillor Reece indicated that although it had been a difficult year, there were some positives that could be taken forward into the forthcoming Municipal Year; the Council could be very proud of the way in which its Officers had dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, working remotely and taking on extra duties without hesitation - the communications team for providing daily up to date information, the finance teams for dealing with changes in benefits and business grants, the environmental teams for making sure the Borough’s High Streets and work places were safe to use and the IT team for keeping the Council safe from cyber attacks whilst remote meetings had taken place, to name but a few. He also felt Members could be proud of the residents of the Borough who had made their own sacrifices during the COVID restrictions and had put the safety and wellbeing of their families and loved ones first. The motto on the Council’s website said “Tewkesbury Borough a place where a good quality of life is open to all” and he felt this was absolutely true.

5.4            The Mayor advised that his Chaplain for the year would be Reverend Wendy Ruffle and he thanked her for her continued support. The Mayor also announced the organisations that he would be supporting during his Mayoral Year which were the Severn Area Rescue Association (SARA) which provides a multitude of services including in-shore lifeboat and missing persons search, and Scoo-B-Doo which provided support to the neonatal unit at Gloucester Royal Hospital.

5.5            In conclusion, the Mayor indicated that, having been the longest serving Deputy Mayor due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he had had plenty of time to think about the role of Mayor and what it meant and he felt it to be a great honour and privilege to have the opportunity to serve as Mayor and he was looking forward to working in the community and being part of it as things restarted. He very much hoped his year would be remembered as the year when people could get back together.


Retiring Mayor - Councillor Gill Blackwell


6.1            Councillor Rob Bird expressed the Council’s thanks to Councillor Blackwell for the way that she had represented the Borough throughout her years in Office. He knew that Councillor Blackwell had loved being the Mayor, although the extension of her Term of Office due to the COVID-19 pandemic had demanded an even higher degree of commitment. She had been a fantastic ambassador as Mayor of the Borough and he expressed the Council’s gratitude for the dedication she had given to the role and the calm and charming efficiency she had brought as chair of the Council meetings. 

6.2            Councillor Blackwell thanked Councillor Bird for his kind words and indicated that she had appreciated the commitment everyone involved with the Council had shown over the last two years. She had thoroughly enjoyed being Mayor and the events she had attended and she felt sure Councillor Reece would do extremely well in the role; she looked forward to being a Councillor for a few years.


Appointment of Deputy Mayor

The Deputy Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year will be appointed.

·         The Deputy Mayor will sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and return his thanks to the Council for his appointment.


7.1            It was proposed by Councillor Jim Mason, and seconded by Councillor David Gray, that Councillor John Murphy be, and is hereby appointed, Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury for the ensuing Municipal Year.

7.2            The Motion was put to the meeting and was carried.

7.3            Councillor Murphy expressed thanks to his fellow Councillors for their support and indicated that he felt honoured to be elected Deputy Mayor. He looked forward to supporting Councillor Reece during his Mayoral year and in performing his role as Deputy Mayor to the best of his ability.

7.4            Councillor Murphy accepted the Deputy Mayor’s Badge of Office and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


Items from Members of the Public

a)   To receive any questions, deputations or petitions submitted under Council Rule of Procedure.12.


(The deadline for public participation submissions for this meeting is 27 April 2021).


b)   To receive any petitions submitted under the Council’s Petitions Scheme.


8.1            There were no items from members of the public.  


Election of Leader of the Council

To elect the Leader of the Council for 2021/22.  


9.1            Upon being proposed and seconded it was        

                 RESOLVED           That Councillor R A Bird be elected as Leader of the Council,                             and therefore Chair of the Executive Committee, for the                                            ensuing Municipal Year. 

9.2            Councillor Bird thanked the Council for having confidence in him and undertook to do his best to honour that commitment accordingly.   


Election of Deputy Leader of the Council

To elect the Deputy Leader of the Council for 2021/22.  


10.1          Upon being proposed and seconded it was

                 RESOLVED           That Councillor J R Mason be elected as Deputy Leader of the                                 Council, and therefore Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee,                               for the ensuing Municipal Year. 

10.2          Councillor Mason thanked the Council for his appointment and pledged to support the Leader of the Council as he deserved.


Membership of Committees, Working Groups, Panels and Boards, Lead Members and Appointment to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 76 KB

1.      To determine the Membership of the:

  • Executive Committee (including Lead Members and their Portfolios).
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
  • Audit and Governance Committee.
  • Planning Committee.
  • Licensing Committee.
  • Standards Committee.
  • Ad-hoc Committees:

o   Employee Appeals Committee;

o   Employee Appointments/Disciplinary Committee; and

·         Panels and Liaison Groups as follows:

o   Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel;

o   Shared Legal Services Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group; and

o   Shared Building Control Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group.

2.      To confirm the Membership of Working Groups, Panels and Boards.

3.      To determine the Outside Bodies to which the Council should make appointments and the representation on those Bodies.

4.      The Council will at this stage adjourn for a brief period to allow each Committee, as set out below, to hold a formal meeting to conduct the business set out in the enclosed Agenda: 

1.     Overview and Scrutiny Committee.                                  

2.     Audit and Governance Committee.                         

3.     Planning Committee.               

4.     Licensing Committee. 

5.    Standards Committee.  

Additional documents:


                 Membership of Committees 2021/22

11.1          Upon being proposed and seconded it was

                 RESOLVED          That the following Committee Memberships be AGREED:

Executive (11)                            

R A Bird                                       

G F Blackwell                              

M Dean                                       

M A Gore

D J Harwood                               

E J MacTiernan                           

J R Mason                                   

C Softley

R J Stanley

M G Sztymiak

R J E Vines                                 

Licensing Committee (15)               

G F Blackwell                                     

G J Bocking                                       

C L J Carter                                       

P A Godwin                                        

D W Gray                                           

E J MacTiernan                                  

J W Murphy                                        

P W Ockelton                                     

C Reid                                                

J K Smith                                           

R J G Smith                                       

C Softley

R J Stanley                                        

M G Sztymiak

M J Williams                                       

Planning (19)

R A Bird

G F Blackwell                              

R D East                                      

J H Evetts

L A Gerrard                                 

M A Gore

D J Harwood                               

M L Jordan                                  

E J MacTiernan                           

J R Mason

P W Ockelton                              

A S Reece                                   

P E Smith                                    

R J G Smith

S A T Stevens                             

P D Surman                                

R J E Vines

M J Williams                                

P N Workman


Overview and Scrutiny (15)            

G J Bocking

C L J Carter                                       

K J Cromwell                                      

P A Godwin                                        

H C McLain

P D McLain                                        

H S Munro                                          

J W Murphy

J K Smith

R J E Smith

S A T Stevens                                    

P D Surman

S Thomson                                        

M J Williams                                       

P N Workman


Standards Committee (7)

C M Cody

M Dean

L A Gerrard

J W Murphy

C Reid

P E Smith                                    

P D Surman                                

Audit & Governance (9)

C M Cody

L A Gerrard                  

P A Godwin 

D W Gray                         

H C McLain

P D McLain

H S Munro

P E Smith                           

V D Smith                      





Employee Appeals Committee

(any 5 from 8)

R A Bird                                       

G F Blackwell                              

J R Mason

P D McLain

A S Reece                                   

P D Surman

M J Williams


Employee Appointments/Disciplinary (5)

K J Cromwell                                      

M Dean                                              

M A Gore

E J MacTiernan

R J E Vines                                        

Horsford Trust Management Committee

(Committee of Councillors representing the Tewkesbury Wards)

C M Cody

K J Cromwell

C Reid                                         

V D Smith                                    

M G Sztymiak                             

P N Workman                             

11.2          Upon being proposed and seconded, the Lead Members and their Portfolios were AGREED as circulated:

·        Councillor R A Bird – Leader / Economic Development/Promotion.

·        Councillor G F Blackwell – Housing.

·        Councillor M Dean – Customer Focus.

·        Councillor D J Harwood – Organisational Development.

·        Councillor M A Gore – Built Environment.

·        Councillor E J MacTiernan – Commercial Transformation.

·        Councillor J R Mason – Clean and Green Environment.

·        Councillor C Softley – Community.

·        Councillor R J Stanley – Health and Wellbeing.

·        Councillor M G Sztymiak – Corporate Governance.

·        Councillor R J E Vines – Finance and Asset Management.

                 Working Groups, Boards and Panels 2021/22

11.3          Upon being proposed and seconded, it was

                 RESOLVED           That the following Working Groups, Boards and Panels                                                        membership be AGREED:

Climate Change and Flood Risk Management Group (8)

Established 09.06.10. Re-established 28 May 2019. (Renamed following Council on 1 October 2019).

Lead Member for Clean and Green Environment Plus  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Mayor of Tewkesbury's Appeal Fund

To appoint three Members of the Council as Trustees of the Mayor of Tewkesbury’s Appeal Fund for the ensuing Municipal Year.


The Mayor and Chief Executive are automatically Trustees. The current Trustees are Councillors Gore, MacTiernan and Mason.


NB: The Fund is officially called the Mayor of Tewkesbury’s Appeal Fund but this does of course refer to Tewkesbury Borough.  


12.1          It was proposed, seconded and

                 RESOLVED           That Councillors M A Gore, E J MacTiernan and J R Mason be                           appointed as Trustees of the Mayor of Tewkesbury’s Appeal                                Fund for 2021/22.