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Committee details

Committee details

Standards Committee

Purpose of committee

The Standards Committee comprises 7 Members of the Council. In addition there are 2 Independent Persons and 3 Parish Council representatives who are co-opted, non-voting members that act in an advisory capacity.


The role of the Standards Committee is to promote and maintain high standards of conduct and to assist Members to observe the Code of Conduct. It will also determine applications for dispensation, in the appropriate circumstances; prepare, monitor and review Codes and Protocols to support the Code of Conduct; and consider reports from the Monitoring Officer on the number of complaints received.


The Standards Committee will also establish a Hearings Sub-Committee as necessary (comprising of 3 voting Members of the Committee) to hear cases, including those of Parish/Town Councillors and co-opted Members, of alleged breaches of the Member Code of Conduct following a report of the Investigating Officer. 


If you have a complaint that a Borough or Parish/Town Councillor has breached their Authority’s Code of Conduct you should write to the Monitoring Officer at the following address outlining your complaint and the reasons that you feel the Councillor has breached the Code of Conduct:


The Monitoring Officer

Tewkesbury Borough Council Offices

Gloucester Road



GL20 5TT


(Please note that the Parish/Town Council Codes of Conduct vary and a copy of the relevant Code can be obtained from the Parish Clerk or the Monitoring Officer Tel: 01684 272011. Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Code of Conduct can be obtained from Democratic Services Tel: 01684 272021 or email


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services Tel: 01684 272021. Email: