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Committee details

Committee details


Purpose of committee

The Executive Committee comprises 12 Members and its Chair and Vice-Chair are the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council respectively. Its role is:


·                To formulate and develop, for adoption by Council, those policies and strategies which comprise the policy framework.

·                To review and monitor the operation of the policy framework and to recommend to Council proposals for new initiatives and policy developments.

·                To devise, review, revise and determine all policies and strategies which are not within the scope of the policy framework.

·                To implement those policies, duties and responsibilities in respect of the Council’s functions which are not otherwise the responsibility of Council, or other Committees.

·                To prepare a forward plan on a quarterly basis comprising key decisions. The forward plan will be reviewed at each scheduled meeting of the Committee.

·                To monitor the Council’s Performance Indicators and ensure that action is taken to review and prepare action plans for improvement if necessary in respect of those key Performance Indicators that meet the Council’s priorities.

·                To provide the lead on all matters of Improvement and deliver on the Council’s Improvement Plan.

·                To formulate the annual budget including capital and revenue spending in accordance with the Council’s priorities and make recommendations to the Council on Council Tax levels.

·                To take decisions on spending within the annual budget to ensure delivery of the Council’s priorities.

·                To provide the lead on partnership working including the joint delivery of services.

·                To take the lead on community leadership and consultation with stakeholders.

·                To determine capital grant applications.

·                To fulfil the Council’s responsibilities in respect of risk management.

·                To monitor and review the staffing and decision-making structures of the Council and recommend any changes to Council.

·                To receive reports from Lead Members as appropriate.

·                To receive, as the parent Committee, reports and recommendations from Working Groups appointed by the Committee.

·                To determine requests on a case by case basis for Council Tax to be reduced under the locally defined Council Tax discount.


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services Tel: 01684 272021. Email: