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Agenda item

Agenda item

20/01074/FUL - Bell House Farm, Old Road, Maisemore

PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 2 (drawing schedule) attached to planning permission 14/00965/FUL (residential development comprising of 15 dwellings) to allow for minor alterations to plots 6, 7, 12, 13 & 14 and revised drainage arrangements.




72.40        This was an application for the variation of condition 2 (drawing schedule) attached to planning permission 14/00965/FUL (residential development comprising of 15 dwellings) to allow for minor alterations to plots 6, 7, 12, 13 & 14 and revised drainage arrangements.

72.41        The Planning Officer advised that planning permission had originally been granted in 2015 for the demolition of curtilage listed outbuildings and the erection of 15 dwellings. Those works had commenced on site and were now well advanced.  The current application sought to vary condition 2 of that permission to allow for minor alterations to a number of plots. Those changes were summarised as removal of the garages from plot 13 & 14 and replacement with tandem parking spaces; minor amendments to the internal layout and external elevations of plots 13 and 14; amendment to the garage design for plot 12; repositioning of plots 6 and 7 closer to plots 8 and 9 due to the levels adjacent to the boundary with the neighbouring properties. As set out in the Committee report, those changes were minor in the context of the previously permitted scheme and were considered acceptable. The application also sought to amend the drainage details that were approved under the previous application. The most significant change was that the foul drainage was now shown connecting directly into the existing sewer network. The Parish Council had raised strong objections to the revised drainage details due to the historical problems with the drainage network in the village. The Parish also pointed out that a condition attached to the original permission stated that foul sewage disposal should be via a package treatment plant only. The approved drainage details reflected that requirement. The applicant stated that the previously approved drainage scheme was flawed as a sewage treatment plant located under the road would preclude most types of treatment plant. The location of the sewage treatment plant would also not comply with Building Regulations and there was no other suitable location within the site. Whilst the Parish Council’s concerns were noted, Severn Trent Water had already approved a connection into the existing system. The Lead Local Flood Authority also raised no objections to the revised drainage details. In light of this, it was considered that it would be very difficult to reasonably sustain an objection on this basis. As set out in the late papers, the Committee report stated that the application was recommenced for delegated permit subject to the completion of a Deed of Variation to ensure that the provisions of the original S106 Agreement were carried forward. That Deed of Variation had now been completed and therefore the recommendation had been changed to permit.

72.42        The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item and the Officer recommendation was to permit the application.

72.43        It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted. A Member indicated that the subject of drainage seemed to be a recurring problem where existing drainage facilities could not cope with additional input and the views of local people who knew these systems and the problems associated with them were often ignored. This had happened in other areas and it was happening here she felt that this was very short sighted and more notice should be taken of local knowledge. Another Member concurred with that view. Upon the motion being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED           That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

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