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Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Winchcombe School, Winchcombe

Contact: Democratic Services Tel: 01684 272021  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


1.1             Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs K J Berry, R Bishop, R Furolo, Mrs S E Hillier-Richardson, V D Smith, Mrs P E Stokes, M G Sztymiak and D J Waters.


Election of Mayor

To elect a Mayor for the Borough for the ensuing year. 


2.1             With the retiring Mayor, Councillor Mike Dean, in the chair, it was proposed by Councillor Jim Mason and seconded by Councillor Bob East, that Councillor Ron Allen be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury for the ensuing Municipal Year.

2.2             On the Motion being put to the meeting it was declared to be carried, whereupon the Mayor took the chair, signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen.

2.3             In thanking Members for the honour of electing him Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury, Councillor Allen indicated that he understood the year ahead was not likely to be an easy one with resources tight but he felt he would enjoy the challenge. He was of the view that the Council’s focus should be to support the economic health of the Borough and its businesses and continue to offer advice and assistance to the vulnerable members of its community. He was sure the Council could meet these challenges and still maintain its high quality services.

2.4             The Mayor indicated that his Mayoress for the year would be his friend and colleague, Councillor Elaine MacTiernan, and his Chaplain would be Reverend Wendy Ruffle, Minister for Prior’s Park. He felt sure that both would offer the support and guidance which would be needed to ensure a successful year in Office. The charities that he would be supporting during his Mayoral year were Lupus UK and the Trussell Trust - Tewkesbury and North Cotswold Foodbanks.

2.5             The Mayor paid particular tribute to his late wife Mary and indicated that her warm encouragement had made it possible for him to serve as a Councillor for so many years on both the Borough Council and the County Council. He also thanked the Governors of Winchcombe School for making the venue available for the evening’s Mayor Making ceremony.

2.6             In concluding his speech, the Mayor thanked everyone for attending and hoped that they would have an enjoyable evening. 


Retiring Mayor - Councillor Mike Dean


3.1             Councillor John Evetts expressed the Council’s thanks to Councillor Mike Dean for the way that he had represented the Borough throughout his year in Office. He indicated that Councillor Dean had had a particularly successful year of fundraising for his chosen charities and he knew he was very proud of the amount raised. He knew that Councillor Dean, along with his Mayoress Anne, had very much enjoyed the experiences that the year had offered and he felt they had been exceptional advocates for the Borough.

3.2             Councillor Dean thanked Councillor Evetts for his words and offered his congratulations and best wishes to the new Mayor and Mayoress for their year ahead.

3.3             Councillor Dean advised that there had been three elements to the role of Mayor, the first was civic, the second governmental and the third was charitable. In terms of the civic responsibilities for the year, Councillor Dean indicated that they had been most enjoyable and memorable in so many ways. There had been a number of trips to Imjin Barracks which had been fantastic experiences; there had also been a number of engagements which had been held in commemoration of WWI which had been extremely touching; and many other events all over the Borough. He advised that they had made many new friends in the other civics and had had much fun along the way. In terms of governmental, this referred to the chairing of the Council meetings. Councillor Dean indicated that this had been daunting, and sometimes terrifying, but he was happy to have made it through the experience, having also reached some important milestones along the way. In all elements of the charitable side of the role he and his Mayoress had tried to ensure they, and those involved, had had fun. Councillor Dean indicated that they were both extremely proud of the amount raised for their chosen charities and he particularly thanked his friend, Mr David Buckley, for his help and support in achieving the amount raised.

3.4             In concluding his speech, Councillor Dean offered his thanks to all of the Officers at the Council who had helped him throughout the year, and to his Chaplain, Reverend John Partington, for his support. However, he indicated that, above all, his thanks went to his Mayoress and wife, Anne, whose diligence and attention to detail had ensured their year was a successful one which they had both enjoyed immensely.

3.5             The Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Ron Allen, presented Councillor Mike Dean with a Past Mayor’s Badge to mark his successful year in Office.

3.6             The retiring Mayoress, Mrs Anne Dean, invested Councillor Mrs Elaine MacTiernan with the Mayoress’ Badge of Office and Councillor MacTiernan presented Mrs Dean with a Past Mayoress’ Badge.   


Appointment of Deputy Mayor

 To appoint a Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year.


4.1             It was proposed by Councillor Philip Surman, and seconded by Councillor Derek Davies, that Councillor Mrs Gill Blackwell be, and is hereby, appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury for the ensuing Municipal Year.

4.2             The Motion was put to the meeting and was carried.

4.3             Councillor Gill Blackwell expressed her thanks to her fellow Councillors for their support and indicated that she felt honoured to be elected Deputy Mayor. She advised that her Consort would be her husband Mr Mike Blackwell.

4.4             Councillor Blackwell accepted the Deputy Mayor’s Badge of Office from the Mayor and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

4.5             Flowers were presented to Mrs Anne Dean, Councillor Mrs Elaine MacTiernan and Councillor Mrs Gill Blackwell. 




5.1             Upon the Motion of the Mayor, the meeting of the Council stood adjourned until Tuesday, 26 May 2015 at 6.00pm.  




6.1             The meeting then resumed in the Council Chamber of the Tewkesbury Borough Council Offices, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury on Tuesday 26 May 2015, when the attendance was as follows: