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Meetings, agenda, minutes

Meetings, agendas and minutes

Tewkesbury Borough Council has 38 councillors who are elected to form the council and serve the community.

We are a fourth option authority which runs an executive and scrutiny political structure. This structure has been in place since November 2007 and was reviewed in April 2009.

Following the elections in May 2023 the composition of the Council is 16 Liberal Democrat Members; nine Conservative Members; four Green Members; seven Members of The Independents; and two Members of the Isbourne and Winchcombe Independents.

The leader and deputy leader are elected at the annual council meeting in May and are automatically the chair and vice-chair of the executive committee.

Agenda for forthcoming Committee meetings will be available 5 clear working days before the date of the meeting

The information contained in these pages was last updated on 25/07/2024