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Issue - decisions

Medium Term Financial Strategy

27/11/2017 - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018/19-2022/23

That it be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018/19-2022/23 be ADOPTED, subject to the following amendments:

·           Paragraph 10.3 of the Strategy be amended to read: ‘The previous Medium Term Financial Strategy recognises the likely need for further increases in future years in order to provide the flexibility to deal with the anticipated deficit faced. Although Council finances have improved, and additional revenue streams are now being developed, there may continue to be a need to resort to some measure of further Council Tax increase each year over the Strategy period. The Council will maintain this previous financial strategy, accepting the likely need for future increases, but seeking to maintain the Council Tax to the lowest possible levels’.

·           Table 7 of the Strategy be amended so the heading reads ‘Potential Council Tax Strategy’ and the table includes percentage, as well as monetary, amounts.