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Agenda item

23/00673/FUL - Box Farm, Stockwell Lane, Woodmancote

PROPOSAL: Technical Details Consent for the construction of one self-build dwelling following approval of Permission in Principle ref: 21/00144/PIP.




73.39        This was a Technical Details Consent application for the construction of one self-build dwelling following approval of Permission in Principle ref: 21/00144/PIP.  The Planning Committee had visited the application site on Friday 19 April 2024.

73.40         The Planning Officer advised that the application was for a new detached dwelling and garage at Box Farm in Woodmancote.  The site was located within the Cotswolds National Landscape and a Committee decision was required as the Parish Council had objected on several grounds including harm to the surrounding landscape, design and drainage.  With regards to the design, the proposed dwelling would have mainly traditional Cotswold architectural features and the external materials - natural Cotswold stone walls and stone tiled roof - would be appropriate to the character of the area. It would also be of a very similar size and design to the approved replacement dwelling next door at Beech Cottage as shown on the proposed streetscene elevation.  Several aspects of the proposal would comply with the positive design features as set out in Box 9 of the Woodmancote Neighbourhood Development Plan which included Cotswold Stone walling, a generous sized garden, off-street parking only, soft landscaping, two storey and a generous plot size.  With regard to landscape impact, the visual impact of the development from distant views would not be considered prominent due to its relationship with existing development and no objections had been raised by the Landscape Officer or Tree Officer.  In relation to drainage, a detailed drainage strategy had been submitted and surface water would be discharged into attenuation crates.  The attenuation had been designed to cater for all storms up to and including one in one hundred years, plus a 40% allowance for climate change.  Foul water would be discharged through a traditional below ground gravity system and would flow to the existing Severn Trent asset via a new manhole connection in Stockwell Lane; the Drainage Advisor has been consulted and raised no objections.  The drainage report discussed the use of water butts; however, exact details had not been provided so an additional condition was recommended, and had been agreed with the applicant’s agent, to secure this information prior to the occupation of the dwelling.  Overall, the proposed dwelling was considered to be of a suitable size and design and there would be no detrimental impact on the landscape or the residential amenity of neighbouring dwellings.  As such, the Officer recommendation was to permit the application.

73.41        The Chair invited the applicant’s agent to address the Committee.  The applicant’s agent advised that three years ago, almost to the day, he had spoken at this Committee to set out why this was an acceptable site for the construction of one dwelling.  The Committee had agreed and the application for Permission in Principle was approved unanimously; this application now sought Technical Details Consent for the dwelling.  All technical consultees were supportive of the development, including the Biodiversity Officer, Conservation Officer, Drainage Officer, Environmental Health Officer, Landscape Officer, Tree Officer and County Highways Officer.  The reason for referring this application to the Committee related primarily to the Parish Council’s dislike of the design of the dwelling; however, as detailed in the Committee report, the dwelling would be constructed with Cotswold stone walls, a stone tiled roof and traditional Cotswold stone window frames, whilst also incorporating some interesting contemporary architectural features on the rear elevation. As already mentioned by the Planning Officer, the dwelling had been designed in an entirely appropriate manner for an infill plot on the edge of the Cotswolds National Landscape.  The applicant’s agent understood that questions had been raised on the Planning Committee Site Visit in relation to drainage and advised that the foul and surface water drainage strategy had been independently verified by the Council’s Drainage Officer who had declared it to be sound. Foul water would be discharged via a traditional underground gravity system and would flow to the existing Severn Trent Asset via a new manhole connection on Stockwell Lane. Condition 7 required this infrastructure to be installed before occupation of the dwelling and, at the request of the Planning Officer, the applicant was also happy to agree to another condition securing the installation of water butts prior to the occupation of the dwelling.   He reiterated this was an application for Technical Details Consent, and all technical consultees were supportive of the proposal, therefore, he respectfully requested that Members vote in favour of the Officer recommendation.

73.42        The Chair indicated that the Officer recommendation was to permit the application, subject to an additional condition to secure the installation of water butts prior to occupation of the dwelling, and he sought a motion from the floor.  A Member drew attention to condition 10 which set out that the dwelling would not be occupied until the means of enclosure to that plot had been installed in accordance with details that had been approved by the Local Planning Authority to provide adequate privacy but given that the dwelling was in an elevated position, she questioned what that condition was trying to achieve.  She also noted there were several existing trees and asked if they were to be retained.  In response, the Planning Officer advised there was substantial hedgerow and trees along the front and the majority of existing landscaping would remain; however, if there were to be additional fencing, this would be covered by condition to ensure it was sensitive to the area. 

73.43         It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  A Member was mindful of the issues with water run-off on Stockwell Lane and was pleased the applicant had done all they could to minimise this and he thanked Officers for insisting on the inclusion of the condition regarding water butts.  Upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation, subject to and additional condition to secure the installation of water butts prior to occupation.

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