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Agenda item

Agenda item

22/00777/OUT - Garages to the Rear of Properties 68-74 Yew Tree Way, Churchdown

PROPOSAL: Demolition of 10 existing garages and erection of three residential dwellings including details of access with all other matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) to be reserved for future consideration.




51.11        This was an outline application for demolition of 10 existing garages and erection of three residential dwellings including details of access with all other matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) to be reserved for future consideration.

51.12        The Development Management Manager (South) advised that the application site related to a parcel of land which comprised ten ‘lock-up’ garages and hardstanding to the rear of properties at Yew Tree Way and Hawthorn Drive in Churchdown.  The application sought outline planning permission for three dwellings with all matters reserved except access. The indicative site layout plan submitted in support of the application showed how the site could be laid out with a terrace of three properties facing to the south-west, providing private gardens to the rear and a hard surface area to the front with two parking spaces for each property.  The application site was within the built-up area of Churchdown and comprised previously developed land.  The principle of development in this location was in accordance with relevant policies and considered acceptable.  Concerns had been raised in respect of loss of parking, displacement of vehicles, loss of access to gardens and impact on amenity.  It was noted that the application had been supported by a parking survey which demonstrated sufficient on-street spaces available to accommodate any displaced parking and the illustrative layout showed that sufficient separation from existing dwellings could be achieved so as not to impact living conditions of these occupiers.  In terms of rights of access to the rear of existing properties, this was ultimately a civil matter; however, the applicant had demonstrated on the submitted plans that a pedestrian access could be accommodated within the site as part of this development to serve the adjacent houses.  The proposal was therefore considered to be acceptable and it was recommended that the application be permitted subject to the conditions set out in the Committee report.

51.13        The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item.  The Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  In response to a Member query regarding parking, the Development Management Team Manager (South) advised that the garage and parking court were in private ownership; whilst residents of Yew Tree Way parked there currently, use of the area could be restricted at any time by the landowner and there was no legal right for them to park there.  A Member asked whether the parking area and garage were part of the original proposal when it was built and the Development Management Team Manager (South) confirmed that it would have been part of the development at the time.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  A Member expressed the view that the level of parking around Yew Tree Way was concerning with parallel parking on the main trunk road; although it was a wide road, there was an unwritten rule that cars would park next to one another forming two rows all along the bend turning into the road.  Whilst she did not feel the application could be refused on that basis, she considered it would lead to more traffic issues. 

51.14        Upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED           That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

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