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Agenda item

Agenda item

Tewkesbury Garden Town Programme Delegations

To recommend to Council that that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to:

i)                  prepare bids for external revenue funding to support the delivery of the Garden Town programme;

ii)             accept grants of external revenue funding and agree any terms and conditions associated with those awards;

iii)           deploy the revenue resources in line with the funding bids and the Garden Town programme following the Council’s normal procedures for procurement and the appointment of staff;

iv)           ensure continued stakeholder engagement related to the programme takes place informed by production of a Tewkesbury Garden Town Charter for subsequent, specific approval by Council in February 2024;

v)            undertake activities to progress the Garden Town programme, including sourcing potential partner capital funding, whilst seeking specific Council approval for:

·       acceptance of any partner grant for capital works; and

·       acting as lead for delivery of infrastructure elements of the programme where       necessary; and

vi)           provide quarterly update reports to Council on progress with the Garden Town programme.

Subject To Call In::No - Recommendation to Council.


That it be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to:

i)                 prepare bids for external revenue funding to support the delivery of the Garden Town programme;

ii)                accept grants of external revenue funding of up to £50,000 and agree any terms and conditions associated with those awards;

iii)              seek specific Council approval for the acceptance of grants of external revenue funding of over £50,000 and any terms and conditions associated with those awards;

iv)              deploy the revenue resources in line with the funding bids and the Garden Town programme following the Council’s normal procedures for procurement and the appointment of staff;

v)               ensure continued stakeholder engagement related to the programme takes place informed by production of a Tewkesbury Garden Town Charter for subsequent, specific approval by Council in February 2024;

vi)              undertake activities to progress the Garden Town programme, including sourcing potential partner capital funding, whilst seeking specific Council approval for:

·      acceptance of any partner grant for capital works; and

·      acting as lead for delivery of infrastructure elements of the programme where necessary; and

vii)     in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Lead Member for Built Environment, provide quarterly update reports to Council on progress with the Garden Town programme. 


60.1          The report of the Executive Director: Place, circulated at Pages No. 63-66, asked the Committee to recommend to Council that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to prepare bids for external revenue funding to support the delivery of the Garden Town programme; accept grants of external revenue funding and agree any terms and conditions associated with those awards; deploy the revenue resources in line with the funding bids and the Garden Town programme following the Council’s normal procedures for procurement and the appointment of staff; ensure continued stakeholder engagement related to the programme takes place informed by production of a Tewkesbury Garden Town Charter for subsequent, specific approval by Council in February 2024; undertake activities to progress the Garden Town programme, including sourcing potential partner capital funding, whilst seeking specific Council approval for: acceptance of any partner grant for capital works and acting as lead for delivery of infrastructure elements of the programme where necessary; and provide quarterly update reports to Council on progress with the Garden Town programme.

60.2          The Leader of the Council indicated that, as Members would recall, the new governance structure for the Garden Town had recently been approved by Council and this report recommended a number of delegations necessary to move the programme forward.  He advised that the Garden Town had recently been awarded £214,000 by Homes England which would continue to fund the project until March 2024 and, whilst this stood the authority in good stead for future funding, to ensure it was prepared for all outcomes he had requested that a report be brought to Members setting out the options post-March for debate at that point.

60.3          A Member queried whether delegating authority to the Chief Executive to accept grants of external revenue funding and agree any terms and conditions associated with those awards was normal and asked what happened if there was a condition which the Council did not agree with and whether that would be taken to Members.  In response, the Chief Executive advised that it was normal; however, the governance arrangement with the Tewkesbury Garden Town Assurance Board provided a safeguard so that anything the Board was uncomfortable with would be taken to Council.  Another Member expressed the view that this should be reflected in the recommendation to Council and the Chief Executive indicated that he would be happy for grants of external revenue funding over £50,000 and any terms and conditions associated with those awards to be taken to Council for approval should Members so wish.

60.4          A Member welcomed the regular progress reports to Council which was proposed as part of the recommendation but questioned whether these should come from the Lead Member rather than the Chief Executive.  In addition, he drew attention to Page No. 65, Paragraph 2.3 of the report and asked for further comment as to the risks and benefits.  The Leader of the Council clarified that the latest funding received would cover the period to March 2024 hence the requirement for a further paper to be brought forward to Members setting out the options available.  He indicated that the quarterly updates to Council would be in conjunction with the Leader of the Council and the Lead Member for Built Environment and that could be made explicit in that recommendation.

60.5          It was proposed, seconded and

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