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Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2023/24 and Action List

To consider the forthcoming work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the actions arising from previous meetings.


9.1             Attention was drawn to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme, circulated at Pages No. 20-27, and the action list setting out the outstanding actions arising from meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee between October 2019 and March 2022, circulated at Pages No. 28-34.  Members were asked to consider the Work Programme and action list. 

9.2             The Director: Corporate Resources advised that the Work Programme was a living document and additional items would come forward throughout the course of the year.  There were a number of ‘pending’ items which he undertook to take away to discuss with Officers in terms of how they could be brought forward, for instance, the Police and Crime Commissioner Presentation may be more appropriate for all Members as opposed to just the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

9.3             A Member noted that the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review was due to be brought to the next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee but this had been deferred on two separate occasions so he asked if this timescale was correct.  In response, the Head of Service: Community and Economic Development advised that it would be brought to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting in September following which it would be taken to the Executive Committee for approval.

9.4             In terms of the action list, the Chair indicated that he wished to discuss each item to determine which of the outstanding actions, if any, could be closed.  The items were debated as follows:

Meeting Date: 22 October 2019

Agenda Item 10 – Warm and Well Scheme Update

The Director: Communities explained that, under normal circumstances, an item would be included on the Agenda for the Town and Parish Council Seminar to advise of the Warm and Well Scheme and what was planned for the following year – if there was a Town and Parish Council Seminar in September he would be happy for this to be included at that meeting as that was an appropriate time for the nature of the information being shared. 

A Member asked if the Committee had seen a report from last winter and was advised that the Severn Wye Energy Agency did provide an annual Warm and Well report and he was happy to circulate the latest one by email following the meeting.

In response to a query as to whether there was a governance trail for the Warm and Well Scheme, and if it added any value for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Director: Communities explained that Tewkesbury Borough Council supported the service with £20,000 annual funding which was excellent value for money in his view.  The Director: Corporate Services advised that Members had previously asked for the Warm and Well Scheme to be promoted at a Town and Parish Seminar and, had this not been added to the action list, it would not have been recorded anywhere else and potentially would never have been delivered which was the reason for its inclusion.

The Chair expressed the view there was a need for all Members to know about the scheme so, provided there was a commitment to delivering the Town and Parish Council Seminar, he would suggest it be removed as an action for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  This was subsequently agreed.

Meeting Date: 7 June 2022

Agenda Item 7 – Update on Local Policing Arrangements

It was agreed it was appropriate for an update to be provided to all Members and that this action be removed from the list.

Meeting Date: 12 July 2022

Agenda Item 8 – Ubico Report 2021/22

The Director: Communities advised there was a significant piece of work around Ubico and in-cab technology which was related to this action around including information about grounds maintenance inspections and could potentially be picked up by the Business Transformation Team subject to other priorities.  The Associate Director: Transformation echoed these sentiments and pointed out that the new website was scheduled to go live at the start of August so it was hoped the information would be included by that date, if not, it would be shortly afterwards. 

A Member asked how in-cab technology would impact on grounds maintenance inspections and the Director: Communities indicated that a seminar on in-cab technology would be held for all Members in due course but, essentially, all assets across the borough would be mapped including pieces of grass that needed to be maintained and, when the work had been completed, a photograph would be uploaded to the website to demonstrate it had been done – this was also being applied to bin collections and emptying street litter bins etc.

It was noted that the annual Ubico report was due to be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the next meeting so an update on in-cab technology could be included as part of that report.  On that basis, it was agreed this action be removed from the list.

Meeting Date: 11 October 2022

Agenda Item 7 - Places Leisure Presentation

Members were advised the data on solar canopy energy savings would be included in the annual report which was due to be considered by the Executive Committee in September 2023, as such, Members agreed to close this action.

Meeting Date: 17 January 2023

Agenda Item 7 – Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2022/23 and Action List

It was agreed that it would be more appropriate for all Members to receive a presentation from the Police and Crime Commissioner and it was therefore agreed to remove this from the pending items section of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2023/24 and to close the action with the presentation being arranged as soon as possible.

Agenda Item 8 – Active Gloucestershire ‘We Can Move’ Project Presentation

A Member noted that the commentary suggested that Active Gloucestershire would like to speak to all Members at a less formal event where they could meet other partners and she asked which partners this would be.  In response, the Director: Corporate Resources explained that the intention was to arrange a community partnership session for all Members which would involve Active Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire Rural Community Council, Citizens’ Advice Bureau and potentially others who would each be allocated a 15 minute slot to speak to Members about the work they did.  Members felt this was an appropriate way forward and agreed this action could be closed.

Agenda Item 9 – Depot Services Working Group Update

The Head of Service: Community and Economic Development explained that the Grange Field was a biodiversity site in Bishop’s Cleeve.  Work had been underway for the last few years and was nearing completion with interpretation boards due to be installed within the coming months.  It was intended to issue a briefing note to all Members once the boards were in place.  A Member queried whether it was the information on the boards would include a future management plan for the area and was advised that the interpretation boards would be fixed so it was not appropriate to include temporary information; however, something could be added to direct people to the website where that information could be made available.  The Member felt it was important for people to know the timings of grass cutting and hedge removal etc. and the Head of Service: Community and Economic Development undertook to look at the wording for the boards to see what else could be included.  Members indicated they would prefer this action to be left open on that basis.

Meeting Date: 7 March 2023

Agenda Item 9 – Customer Care Strategy

The Associate Director: Transformation advised that there was now a temporary GIS resource in place who was gathering data and ensuring it was in a useful format.  They would be working with various departments across the Council on how to provide information to customers in a more user-friendly way.  In addition, the Business Transformation Team looked at the Report It function, which was provided through Liberty Create, on a continual basis so this action would be picked up in both ways. 

A Member indicated he had attended a seminar at the County Council about Inform Gloucestershire’s GIS project and asked if this would feed into that.  The Associate Director: Transformation indicated that it could potentially; Tewkesbury Borough Council’s system complemented existing data and the project would look at how other internal data could be used to ensure maps were as accessible as possible. 

The Chair felt it would be beneficial for the Committee to receive a demonstration as part of the Customer Care Strategy and the Associate Director: Transformation indicated there was a Member Induction session on 6 July, which included Business Transformation, and she undertook to add a demonstration of the things built in the Liberty Create system to that session.  Members agreed to keep this action open in the interim.

9.5             It was

RESOLVED          1. That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme be NOTED.

2. That the following actions be removed from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Action List:

-         Page No. 28 – 22 October 2019 – Warm and Well                                  Scheme Update

-         Page No. 28 – 7 June 2022 - Update on Local Policing                           Arrangements

-         Page No. 29 – 12 July 2022 – Ubico Report 2021/22

-         Page No. 29 – 11 October 2022 – Places Leisure                                   Presentation

-         Page No. 30 – 17 January 2023 – Overview and                                     Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2022/23 and                                     Action List and Active Gloucestershire ‘We Can Move’                                 Project Presentation

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