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Agenda item

Agenda item

Potential Presentations from External Organisations

To consider those external organisations that contribute to the Council’s priorities and potentially could be added to the Committee’s Work Programme. 


14.1          The report of the Head of Corporate Services, circulated at Pages No. 131-139, provided Members with a list of key external organisations which the Overview and Scrutiny Committee may wish to scrutinise during the year.  Members were asked to consider the list and identify those which could potentially be added to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme.

14.2          The Head of Corporate Services explained that, at the session held in November 2021 on ways to improve the effectiveness of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Members had indicated they would like to hear from external organisations and it had been agreed that Officers would compile a list for consideration.  The list attached at Appendix 1 to the report was closely linked to the Council Plan refresh and was by no means exhaustive; however, if the Committee did wish to hear from an external body, it would be necessary to agree a formal scope for the presentation in order to ensure there were clear objectives and outcomes.  Consideration should also be given to the wider Work Programme to ensure Agenda did not become overloaded and it was suggested that no more than two organisations be invited to attend future meetings of the Committee.

14.3          A Member agreed there should be clear reasons for inviting external organisations to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as this was not the right place to have presentations for information.  He was particularly interested to understand what was happening with the Community Safety Partnership, which did include Member representation but no reports were received back as far as he was aware, and the Aston Project which ran from the Public Services Centre and was something which the Council had an input into.  The Chief Executive clarified that the Community Safety Partnership was not an outside body as it was operated by the Council and therefore did not form part of the list provided in the report; however, he felt it was probably time to look at this to see if it was delivering against its Terms of Reference and he suggested this could be done as part of the follow-up scrutiny session with the Police which would need to be worked up outside of the meeting.  In terms of the list before Members, the Council had contractual arrangements with Places Leisure and there had recently been a change of Manager at the Leisure Centre so that would lend itself to a presentation about what it was offering and how things were working.  Gloucestershire Rural Community Council was also a contractor with the Council in a different arrangement and had recently appointed a new Chief Executive so, although it would need to be handled carefully, it may be beneficial to hear from that organisation.

14.4          It was subsequently

RESOLVED          That the following organisations be AGREED as those the Committee would like to scrutinise during the year:

-        Community Safety Partnership/Aston Project – to evaluate whether it is delivering against its Terms of Reference;

-        Places Leisure – to understand how it is recovering from the pandemic; and

-        Gloucestershire Rural Community Council – remit to be agreed with the Community and Economic Development Manager.

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