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Agenda item

Agenda item

Review of Tewkesbury Borough Council's Statement of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003

To approve the draft Statement of Licensing Policy, as set out at Appendix B, for statutory consultation.


8.1            The report of the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader, circulated at Pages No. 12-101, asked Members to approve the draft Statement of Licensing Policy, as set out at Appendix B to the report, for statutory consultation.

8.2            The Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader advised that licensing authorities had a statutory obligation under the Licensing Act 2003 to review its Statement of Licensing Policy every five years.  The Council’s current Statement of Licensing Policy was published in October 2014 and expired on 7 January 2019; however, due to COVID and staffing levels within the team, a review had not been carried out until now.  A revised draft Statement of Licensing Policy was attached at Appendix B to the report and Members were advised there had been no significant changes to legislation or Government guidance during the past eight years so only minor changes were proposed to reflect current best practice.  If Members were satisfied with the revisions, the draft Statement of Licensing Policy would be subject to a 12 week consultation and would be brought back to the Licensing Committee later in the year for Members to consider any comments.

8.3            A Member drew attention to Page No. 59, Paragraph 6.1 which stated that “prior to the publication of this Policy the Licensing Authority consulted with the persons and organisations stipulated in Appendix 7 of the policy” and he asked how many categories of people had been consulted.  In response, the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader clarified that consultation had not yet been undertaken but, subject to approval by the Licensing Committee today, the list of groups and organisations set out at Appendix 7 of the policy would be consulted.  The Member asked how consultation would take place and was advised that the list of groups and organisations would be contacted by email along with Town and Parish Councils and Borough Councillors.  The consultation would also be advertised on the Council’s website and at the Council Offices.  The Member went on to draw attention to Page No. 59, Paragraph 7.1 which stated that “The policy takes effect xx…” and asked when that would be.  The Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader advised that the policy would take effect from the date it was adopted which was hoped to be by the end of the year.  With regard to Page No. 63, Paragraph 11.5 which set out that premises licensed to sell alcohol beyond 11pm in Tewkesbury may be required to become a member of the Pubwatch scheme, a Member asked who determined if that was required and how it was enforced.  He also pointed out that it should state Tewkesbury Borough unless it was specifically referring to premises within Tewkesbury Town. The Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader explained that Gloucestershire Police was consulted on premises licence applications and, depending on the type of premises, may require them to become part of the scheme.  She undertook to amend the wording to clarify that it applied to premises in Tewkesbury Borough.

8.4            A Member drew attention to Page No. 33, Paragraph 23, which related to alcohol pricing as he was aware of the potential introduction of minimum unit pricing which he understood had been trialled and was due to roll-out across England.  The Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader undertook to ask for an update from the Local Government Association and report back to Members.

8.5            It was

RESOLVED          That the draft Statement of Licensing Policy, as set out at Appendix B, be APPROVED for statutory consultation subject to an amendment to Page No. 63, Paragraph 11.5 bullet point two to read: “Premises licensed to sell alcohol beyond 11pm in Tewkesbury Borough may be required to become members of the Pubwatch scheme (or equivalent)…”

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