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Agenda item

Agenda item

Review of Tewkesbury Borough Council's Hackney Carriage (Taxi) Table of Fares

To agree to advertise the proposed increase to the Hackney Carriage tariff as a public notice in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and, subject to no objections being received from the public within 14 days of publication of the notice, to delegate authority to the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader to implement the proposed tariff with effect from 1 July 2022. 


7.1            The report of the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader, circulated at Pages No. 7-11, reviewed Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Hackney Carriage (Taxi) table of fares.  Members were asked to agree that the proposed increase to the tariff be advertised as a public notice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and, subject to no objections being received from the public within 14 days of publication of the notice, that authority be delegated to the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader to implement the proposed tariff taking effect from 1 July 2022.

7.2            The Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader advised that the authority was required to review the Hackney Carriage table of fares; the fares had not been reviewed since 2012 and there had been no increase since that time.  It was noted there was only one licensed Hackney Carriage driver in the borough.  The proposed table of fares was set out at Page No. 9, Paragraph 2.2 of the report and, if Members were happy with the suggested increase, this would be subject to a 14 day public consultation.  It was proposed that, subject to no comments being received during that time, authority be delegated to the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader to implement the tariff.

7.3            A Member sought clarification as to when the figures had been calculated as the cost of living was rising at such a rapid rate.  The Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader advised that the figures had been reviewed about a month ago.  Another Member noted that the request to urgently review the tariff had come from the licensed hackney carriage driver and he asked whether that driver was happy with the rates proposed.  In response, the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader explained that the driver had wanted Tewkesbury Borough Council’s rates to be aligned with Cheltenham Borough Council; however, Cheltenham Borough was a much more condensed area than Tewkesbury Borough.  Officers had drawn up the proposal as set out in the report which had been sent to the driver who had confirmed he was satisfied.  A Member asked what the reason was for the lack of licensed hackney carriage drivers in Tewkesbury Borough and was advised that the trade within the borough was predominantly private hire.  Historically, Tewkesbury Borough Council had lower standards in terms of vehicles and drivers than the other authorities within the county; however, that had started to be addressed with the adoption of the Gloucestershire Common Standards earlier in the year.  It was hoped that increasing the fares might attract more taxi drivers to the area.  A Member asked how private hire fares were determined and was informed these were for pre-booked journeys so a price had to be agreed before the journey – this could be higher or lower than taxi fares.  Private hire vehicles could choose to have a meter but, if they did, it had to be set to the same as hackney carriage fares.

7.4            A Member asked when the table of fares could be reviewed again and the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader advised that, if the proposed tariff was adopted, it would be re-looked at in two to three months time due to the cost of living.  She provided assurance that fares could be reduced if the cost of living fell significantly.  The tariff would then be reviewed on a two to three month basis over the course of the next year. 

7.5            It was

RESOLVED           That it be AGREED:

i)  that the proposed increase to the Hackney Carriage tariff be advertised as a public notice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976; and

ii) subject to no objections being received from the public within 14 days of publication of the notice, that authority be delegated to the Licensing Operations and Development Team Leader to implement the proposed tariff taking effect from 1 July 2022.

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