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Agenda and minutes > Agenda item

Agenda item

20/00948/FUL - Stoke House, Stoke Road, Stoke Orchard

PROPOSAL: Erection of two detached dwellings and associated garages.




38.24        This application was for the erection of two detached dwellings and associated garages.  It was noted that the application also involved the demolition of an existing garage and the erection of a new one for the host dwelling which needed to be added to the description of development.

38.25        The Planning Officer advised that the application required a Committee determination as the Parish Council had objected to the proposed development.   The application related to land at Stoke House which was currently occupied by a detached two storey property set back from the main road.  The site comprised a residential dwelling and its associated curtilage and was bound by hedgerows and wire fencing.  The application site was bordered by employment development to the north, residential development to the west and east and open fields to the south.  It was noted that the application site was not subject to any formal landscape designations.  The application was submitted in full and sought permission for the construction of two detached dwellings to the south of the existing property.  Each property would be two storeys in height and set back from the main road in a staggered fashion.  The dwellings would utilise the existing site access which currently served the existing dwelling and each property would benefit from space for turning and manoeuvring within the site whilst garaging would also be included for off-driveway parking.  An assessment of the material considerations was set out at Pages No. 147-154 of the Committee report.  At the time of writing the Committee report, a preliminary ecological appraisal had not been submitted; however, the agent had recently confirmed that the ecological survey on the application site had been carried out and that the report would be submitted for review shortly.  Given that the report had not been submitted or reviewed by the Council’s Ecologist, the Officer recommendation remained the same as detailed in the Committee report which was that authority be delegated to the Development Manager to permit the application, subject to the resolution of any outstanding matters referenced in the report, and the addition to/amendment of planning conditions as appropriate, if necessary.

38.26        The Chair invited the applicant’s agent to address the Committee.  The applicant’s agent thanked Officers for their thorough report and the recommendation for delegated permission, subject to conditions and the submission of the preliminary ecological appraisal.  He advised that the new homes would be located within the emerging settlement boundary of Stoke Orchard and would help the borough meet its housing supply targets.  As correctly stated in the report, the development would not result in any harms that would warrant refusal.  Members would also note there were no objections from residents or third party consultees.  Whilst concerns had been raised by the Parish Council, those matters had been considered fully by Officers.  In terms of highway impact and trip generation, the development was deemed safe and acceptable by County Highways and no objections were raised.  The applicant also proposed a new footway to the front of the site entrance providing access to the village.  With regard to the perceived overdevelopment of the site, it could be noted from the plans that the design would be consistent with the vernacular of the local area and would not detract from the pattern of the village or wider character.  An appropriate interrelationship between all properties had been ensured whilst still providing acceptable levels of private amenity space.  The ecology report, as requested by the Council’s Ecologist, was currently being finalised; however, the site was not within an area of high ecological sensitivity and was low value and the survey had not flagged any ecological concerns.  Nevertheless, ecological enhancement measures, such as provision of bat and bird boxes and new planting, were proposed as part of the application.  In summary, these homes would be unobtrusive, well-designed and in accordance with the emerging local plan.   As such, the applicant’s agent respectfully requested that Members delegate permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

38.27        The Chair indicated that the Officer recommendation was that authority be delegated to the Development Manager to permit the application, subject to the resolution of any outstanding matters referenced in the report, and the addition to/amendment of planning conditions as appropriate, if necessary, and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that authority be delegated to the Development Manager to permit the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation, subject to the removal of condition 12 in respect of cycle storage provision.  Upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED           That authority be DELEGATED to the Development Manager to PERMIT the application, subject to the resolution of any outstanding matters referenced in the report, the addition to/amendment of planning conditions as appropriate, if necessary and the removal of condition 12 in respect of cycle storage provision.

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