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Agenda item

Agenda item

21/00494/FUL - Brock Farm, Church Lane, Staverton

PROPOSAL: Change of use of land for the temporary siting of mobile home (farm worker accommodation).




32.28        This application was for the change of use of land for the temporary siting of a mobile home (farm worker accommodation).  The application had been deferred at the Planning Committee meeting on 17 August 2021 to allow further information to be provided and for the application concerning the proposed calf building to have been determined.

32.29        The Planning Officer advised that planning permission for a calf-rearing building had been granted on 27 September 2021.  Additional information had also been submitted with regard to the need for someone to be on the site for the calf-rearing business and to state that No. 1 and No. 2 Church Cottages were not on modern assured shorthold tenancies which allowed landlords to serve a notice to gain possession; there were extremely limited grounds for possession, therefore, neither property was available for the applicant.  In addition, the applicant had considered housing available in Staverton and maintained there was nothing within easy accessibility of the farm.  The applicant had also put forward personal circumstances for living within close proximity to the farm.  The information had been submitted to the Council’s Agricultural Consultant who considered that, on balance, there was an essential need for a temporary dwelling on the site.  The proposal was located within the Green Belt so was inappropriate development; however, on the basis of the additional information provided, this constituted the very special circumstances required and the essential need for an agricultural worker’s mobile home in this location had been accepted.  Condition 3 stated that the mobile home should be removed and the site restored to agricultural land within five years of occupation and the Planning Officer advised this needed to be changed to three years to ensure compliance with saved local plan policy AGR2.  Therefore, the Officer recommendation was to permit the application, subject to the amendment of condition 3.

32.30        The Chair invited the applicant’s representative to address the Committee.  The applicant’s representative began by outlining both his, and his wife’s, background and experience in agriculture.  He understood that the Planning Committee considered many applications and to Members this was just another; however, for himself and his wife there was a lot riding on the decision.  He explained they were a young a enthusiastic farming couple who relished the opportunity to live, work and bring their ideas to Brock Farm.  Setting up a calf-rearing business would enable them to maximise their skill set and continuing to live within sight and sound of the calves would be essential to maintain a high health status.  He went on to give details of his personal circumstances which he felt contributed to the need to reside in close proximity to the farm.  He pointed out that his neighbours and the other residents of Staverton village were fed up with fly-tipping and unwanted visitors and so would benefit from increased security which their presence would undoubtedly bring.  It was their intention to farm in an inclusive manner, inviting the community onto the farm to enjoy the countryside alongside them.  He hoped Members would take on board the points he had raised when making their decision.

32.31        The Chair indicated that the Officer recommendation was to permit the application, subject to the amendment of condition 3 to state that the mobile home should be removed from the site and the site restored to agricultural land within three years of occupation, and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation and, upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED           That the application be PERMITTED, subject to the amendment of condition 3 to state that the mobile home should be removed from the site and the site restored to agricultural land within three years of occupation.

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