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Agenda item

Agenda item

21/00515/FUL - Land at Ashville Business Park, Commerce Road, Churchdown

PROPOSAL: Erection of temporary automobile showroom and wash building with associated access, parking and landscaping for a two year period. 




19.52        This was an application for erection of temporary automobile showroom and wash building with associated access, parking and landscaping for a two year period.

19.53        The Planning Officer explained that the application site was located to the east of Ashville Business Park within the Green Belt and benefited from planning permission for the construction of a new Jaguar Land Rover car showroom and associated facilities.  The approved Spectrum Medical building was located immediately east of the application site.  This application sought planning permission for the erection of a temporary showroom and wash building, along with associated access, parking and landscaping for a two year period.  This was required purely to allow the car dealership to remain in use and continue its motor sales whilst the new permanent showroom was under construction.  The application required a Planning Committee determination as Churchdown Parish Council had raised an objection on the grounds that the proposal infringed on the Green Belt.  An assessment of the material considerations was set out at Pages No. 228-231 of the Committee report and Members were advised that the principle of development was established by virtue of the extant planning permission relating to the site.  Notwithstanding this, it was accepted that the proposal would constitute inappropriate development in the Green Belt; however, a case had been made for very special circumstances which was founded upon the site’s planning history and the temporary nature of the proposed development.  It was considered that, on balance, the harms arising from the proposal by virtue of it constituting inappropriate development in the Green Belt were outweighed by other considerations; there was a clear economic benefit which weighed in favour of the proposal and the case for very special circumstances had been accepted.  On that basis, the Officer recommendation was to permit the application.

19.54        The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item.  The Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  A Member questioned whether the development would cause any issues in terms of flights from Gloucestershire Airport as the site was directly opposite the main runway.  In response, the Planning Officer confirmed that the proposed building was temporary and would be at a lower height than the existing building so there would be no problems regarding the flight path.  Another Member expressed the view that the whole area around the site was becoming a real blot on the landscape; whilst she accepted there were certain areas designated for employment she was concerned about the loss of Green Belt.  She noted that the proposal was for a temporary building and would like a condition to be included to ensure the site was returned to its natural state at the end of the two year period.  The Planning Officer explained that the site already had planning permission for the redevelopment of the site, construction of a new showroom and associated facilities – application reference: 18/01082/FUL - and this site would be developed in accordance with that planning permission so would become part of the car park in association with the Jaguar Land Rover showroom rather than being returned to its natural state.  A Member questioned whether the trees at the back of the showroom would be removed and the Planning Officer advised there was no proposal in respect of the trees in this application – the trees would have been dealt with in determining application 18/01082/FUL so there may be protection measures in place in respect of that scheme.

19.55         Upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

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