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Agenda item

Agenda item

21/00534/FUL - Land to the Rear of 34 Priory Lane, Bishop's Cleeve

PROPOSAL: Erection of a detached dwelling, garage and new access.




19.36         This application was for erection of a detached dwelling, garage and new access. 

19.37        The Planning Officer advised that the application sought permission for a detached one and a half storey, three-bedroom detached dwelling with an attached garage.  The site formed part of the rear amenity space of 34 Priory Lane in Bishop’s Cleeve and was located to the east of the lane towards the junction with Longlands Road.  There were existing dwellings to the east, west and south.  The proposal complied with Policy SD10 of the Joint Core Strategy, therefore, the principle of housing in this location was acceptable and, given the Council’s inability to demonstrate a five year housing land supply, Paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework applied.  The proposal would form part of the rear garden of 34 Priory Lane and would be surrounded by development on all sides and not visible from the public highway.  The proposed design was contemporary in style and was considered appropriate to the character of the area - approval had recently been granted for alterations to 34 Priory Lane with a similar design approach and palette of materials.  To ensure high quality design, samples and details of the materials would be subject to condition.  The design had been amended in order to address the concerns of neighbouring residents siting it further from the western boundary and adding obscure glazing to the bathrooms for privacy.  The layout would be in accordance with national space standards.  The impact on neighbouring amenity had been carefully assessed and, although objections had been received from properties to the west, it was noted that the roof light to the west elevation would be directed to the less private part of the rear amenity space of 30a Priory Road and screened in part by a tall tree, the amended plans had increased the height for the rooflights to habitable rooms on the side elevations and the roof lights to the west roof elevation would be obscurely glazed with a condition applied to set the cil of the roof lights no lower than 1.7 metres above floor level.  It was considered that the development would be afforded acceptable levels of amenity in terms of outdoor space, outlook and privacy.  The submitted plans indicated that the proposed dwelling had a new drive to the west side of 34 Priory Lane and would benefit from two parking spaces.  It was noted that the access had been approved under a previous application.  County Highways had no objection to the proposal in highway safety terms and had recommended a condition for electric vehicle charging points.  Foul drainage was to be connected to the main sewer and surface water would discharge to soakaways; however, the proposal had been assessed by the Flood Risk Management Engineer who had commented that insufficient information had been provided with regard to the suitability of the ground to accommodate soakaways.  As such, it was recommended that a condition be included requiring drainage works to be approved and implemented prior to commencement of development which had been agreed by the applicant.  Therefore, the Officer recommendation was to permit the application.

19.38        The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item.  The Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation and, upon being taken to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

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