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Agenda item

Agenda item

21/00081/FUL – Land to the West of Stump Lane, Gloucester

PROPOSAL: Change of use of part of an existing grazing paddock to provide a fenced manège measuring 41m x 21m for private use.




7.52           This application was for change of use of part of an existing grazing paddock to provide a fenced manège measuring 41 metres by 21 metres for private use.

7.53           The Development Management Team Leader (South) advised that the application sought planning permission for change of use of land currently used for grazing and the construction of a private use manège measuring 41 metres by 21 metres surrounded by a 1.5 metre post and rail fence.  The site was in the Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and was part of agricultural land to the south west of an existing agricultural and equestrian building on a Stump Lane which had an existing access to the highway.  There was a mature hedgerow to the south and eastern boundary and post and rail fences to the west and north.  In terms of policy, the local planning authority allowed new horse riding facilities in the countryside provided that they were well-related to existing buildings and the existing bridle network, had adequate measures to control noise, dust, smell and other nuisance, did not have an adverse impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or Special Landscape Area and did not create traffic problems.  This part of the Special Landscape Area was relatively flat and the site would not be highly visible from public vantage points to the east or long ranging views from the west.  The site would be visible from the adjacent public footpath to the north and from long range views of the northern, more sloping, fields; however, in these wider views, the existing development to the south would provide a backdrop to the proposal and the materials used would be controlled by condition to match the existing and ensure that it was not prominent in the landscape.  It was not considered that the siting of the manège would have a negative impact on the rural character or open fields of the escarpment of Chosen Hill.  Under Paragraph 145 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the provision of appropriate facilities for sport and outdoor recreation was an exception to inappropriate development provided that facilities preserved the openness of the Green Belt.  The site for the manège was in close proximity to the existing development, in a field adjacent to the existing post and rail boundaries, and a mature hedgerow.  It was considered to be of an appropriate size and design and would have an acceptable impact upon the openness of the Green Belt, as such, it was recommended that the application be permitted, subject to the inclusion of conditions to control the colour and type of materials used and to prevent any commercial use.

7.54           The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item.  The Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  A Member questioned whether a condition could be included to prohibit anything being stored on the site as he was concerned about the operation of the large area surrounding the proposal manège.  The Development Management Team Leader (South) indicated that his view was that, if the land was being used for storage purposes, this would be a change of use and would require planning permission; in any event, the Council could use enforcement powers to take action if and when that situation occurred.  Upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

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