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Agenda item

20/01233/FUL - Beech House, Toddington

PROPOSAL: Erection of 2 No. carports in association with approved application 19/00595/APP (erection of 2 No. dwellings and associated access).




64.33        This was an application for the erection of 2 No. carports in association with approved application 19/00595/APP (erection of 2 No. dwellings and associated access).

64.34        The Planning Officer explained that the application site was located on the southern side of the highway to the east of the roundabout junction within Toddington, and was located within the Special Landscape Area. Land on the northern side of the highway was located within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Outline planning permission was granted in 2018 for the erection of two dwellings in this location and the reserved matters were later approved in March 2020, as shown on the approved Site Plan. The approved plans included an area of hardstanding towards the front of the site, for vehicular parking and turning. The current application related to the northern part of the outline and reserved matters sites only, adjacent to the public highway, and proposed the construction of two car ports in association with the two approved dwellings. The application included the submission of section drawings which showed that the land levels within the application site, at the location where the proposed car ports would be constructed, were some 1.4 to 1.7 metres lower than the adjacent public highway. Each proposed car port would be oak framed, and designed with a sedum flat roof measuring 2.2 metres in height. The application was presented to the Planning Committee as Toddington Parish Council had objected to the application on the grounds that the proposed car ports would be forward of the properties and would not be in keeping with other properties in the vicinity. There was an existing detached double garage to the front of the adjacent dwelling to the east and the proposed car ports would in part be constructed in line with this, although would project further northwards to be in closer proximity to the adjacent highway, as shown on the proposed site plan. The parking area within the application site was set down below the main road and was partly screened by trees and hedge planting as well as a dry stone wall along the front boundary. It was considered that the open nature of the proposed car ports, along with the topography of the site and screening from planting, and in the context of the existing detached garage on the adjacent site to the east, would mean that the proposed development would not appear overly prominent within the street scene, and that the visual amenity of the Special Landscape Area and the setting of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty would be protected. The Urban Design Officer considered that the proposed materials would be of a good quality and in keeping with the new dwellings and that the green sedum roof would be a positive addition that would assist the structure in blending in with its surroundings, especially from the road. In addition, the Tree Officer raised no objection subject to conditions to safeguard trees during the construction phases and to ensure no storage of materials in proximity of the trees. For the reasons given within the Committee report, it was considered that the proposed car ports would protect the amenity of existing and future occupiers, and that the highways impact would be acceptable. For these reasons, it was recommended that planning permission was granted subject to the conditions listed within the Committee report.

64.35        The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item and the Officer recommendation was to permit the application. A Member questioned whether he was right in thinking that there was a major pipeline that ran close to this site and if so he asked whether it would be unaffected by these proposals as he could not see anything on the plans. The  Planning Officer stated that there was a major pipeline running slightly to the east of the site but the Health and Safety Executive had been consulted and raised no objection on safety grounds and the National Grid and Wales and West Utilities were also consulted and did not provide any comments. However an advisory note would be added to the decision notice to advise of the proximity of the pipeline.

64.36        It was proposed and seconded and, upon being put to the vote

RESOLVED           That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

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