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Agenda item

Agenda item

Corporate Risk Register

To consider the risks contained within the Corporate Risk Register and assurance that the risks are being effectively managed. 


51.1          The report of the Head of Corporate Services, circulated at Pages No. 38-58, set out the corporate risk register and Members were asked to consider the risks contained therein and the assurance that the risks were being effectively managed.

51.2          Members were advised that the risk register, which was attached to the report at Appendix 1, aimed to be a simple tool used to monitor the key corporate risks and the main updates to the register were highlighted within Paragraph 3.1 of the report. The Head of Corporate Services drew particular attention to the following:

Ref 1 and 2 – financial sustainability.

The current uncertainty of the financial climate meant there were some risks around the budget and those had been drawn to Members’ attention; issues such as the withdrawal of New Homes Bonus funding, and the unknown of what would replace it, offered a huge amount of uncertainty.

Ref 7 – Waste service.

As Members would be aware, the Council had recently agreed a five-year extension to the Ubico contract which was helpful in giving the service stability.

Ref 9 – Safeguarding.

The Section 11 assurance statement had been submitted.

Ref 10 – Assets.

The Council had been awarded a grant to replace the gas powered boiler with ground source heat pumps and that would be the subject of a report to the Executive Committee shortly.

Ref 11 – Growth hub.

A presentation was being made to the next Overview and Scrutiny Committee which would detail how the growth hub had supported businesses virtually throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ref 15 – Delivery of priorities (COVID-19).

The government’s roadmap out of lockdown had offered some guidance on what would be expected going forward which was certainly helpful. The management team was currently looking at aligning that with the recovery actions.

51.3          The Chair expressed his thanks for the succinct and user friendly risk register which was now produced and he invited questions from the Committee. A Member referred to the recovery from COVID-19 and questioned whether the Council would be submitting a bid to the “welcome back fund” which had recently been announced by the government. In response, the Head of Corporate Services indicated his understanding that this had replaced the high street recovery fund which he knew the Council had received money from but he was unable to confirm if the Council had been able to bid for the new fund; he undertook to speak to the relevant Officer and provide further information following the meeting. Another Member referred to the Tewkesbury Garden Town project and the perceived reputational impact to the Council if it failed to deliver the project; however, the conversations she had had in the community had led to her feeling that, actually, there could be a real reputational impact on the Council if it did deliver the project.

51.4          Accordingly, it was

                 RESOLVED           That the risks contained within the corporate risk register, and                                  the assurance that those risks were being effectively managed,                                   were NOTED.

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