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Agenda item

Gloucestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Update

To receive an update from the Council’s representative on matters considered at the meetings held on 22 October, 11 November and 17 November 2020.  


(NB: the report from the meeting on 17 November will be circulated as soon as possible).


42.1          Members received an update from the Council’s representative on the Gloucestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) on matters discussed at the meetings on 22 October, 11 November and 17 November 2020. She referred Members to the fact that a report had been circulated with the Agenda at Pages No. 80-82 and separately at Pages No. 1-3 and she intended to highlight some of the salient points contained in those reports - Members should look at the full reports which were available on the County Council’s website for the detailed information.

42.2          The representative advised that 22 October had been an additional meeting to look at progress with the Fit for the Future consultation and the consultation on the new hospital in the Forest of Dean. The Fit for the Future consultation had been discussed on numerous occasions during its progression but it had recently been slightly delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan was to look at acute hospitals and how they were functioning as well as how Centres of Excellence could be developed within existing resources. The public consultation was due to close on 17 December and everyone was encouraged to respond. In terms of the new hospital in the Forest of Dean, this would be a 24 bed ensuite facility built on the lower side of Cinderford. The current hospital provision at Lydney and the Dilke would be closed. The new hospital would have inpatient and outpatient facilities although further discussion and input was needed to determine what would be provided in the new hospital and what would be provided in Lydney at the proposed new health centre. It was anticipated that the new hospital would have an urgent care department which would include diagnostic services such as x-rays and would run from 8am to 8pm seven days a week. 

42.3          Referring to the meeting on 11 November, the representative explained that this was the annual briefing by the Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Trust. It was felt the merger earlier in the year had gone well and the benefits were starting to be seen. The Trust was part of the wider health care system, in association with acute hospital colleagues, and plans had been made to ensure they all got through the winter, meeting needs and coping with increased demands. There had also been an introduction of the Home First Scheme which encouraged discharge as soon as someone was medically fit to go home or to a re-enablement resource. A Rapid Resource Team was also in operation to try and prevent hospital admissions by care in the community – currently around 90% of the services were provided in the community which increased independence and life opportunities. All seven hospitals in the county were set up to take COVID positive patients alongside other patients and the general hospitals were continuing as previously, with Cheltenham being a ‘green’ site with no COVID patients and Gloucester Royal having all patients in specific wards. In terms of COVID testing, this was split into pillar one, all NHS frontline and care staff and families, and pillar two, for everyone else. High levels of mental health issues were being seen in Gloucester so a complex emotional needs team had been set up to help prevent admissions to Wotton Lawn Hospital – there was also a new street triage service whereby mental health nurses would go out with the Police if it was felt to be necessary. Everyone had been reminded that the crisis team operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

42.4          The meeting on 17 November had discussed the public representation and feedback on the phlebotomy service. Virtual appointments had resulted in people being asked to go to the General Hospitals for blood tests, which had problems in people being able to get there by public transport. Even bigger problems were experienced from outlying areas like Fairford, where transport was even more difficult.

42.5          In terms of the COVID update for 2-8 November, Members had been advised that waves one and two could not be compared directly as there was better testing in wave two. However, it was known that whilst fewer care home patients had been seen there had been an increase in the number of patients from younger age groups. The numbers in Gloucester Royal Hospital were near to the numbers at the peak in wave one but there were not as many people in intensive care. Cluster outbreaks were being examined daily and investigated - care homes had seen less infections recently in residents but there had been an increase in staff infections so revised guidance and training was to be provided on the use of Personal Protective Equipment and on visitors to homes. The Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group performance report had also been considered and it had been noted that, in terms of cancer treatment targets, the two-week consultation target was still very good but the 52 days to treatment target had slipped slightly. In terms of the One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System Lead Report, a virtual COVID ward had been set up where people who had tested positive with symptoms were having their oxygen levels monitored on a daily basis – if they deteriorated they would be admitted - and if their levels improved it showed they were past the worst. In terms of the Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group Chair/Accountable Officer report, there was good information contained therein and the representative encouraged Members to read it but there were no highlights to bring to Members attention in particular.

42.6          The Chair thanked the representative for her report, and it was

RESOLVED           That the Gloucestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Update be NOTED.

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