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Agenda item

20/00317/OUT - 9 Cowlsmead, Shurdington

PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of a single dwelling with access off Marsh Terrace (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be reserved for future consideration).




22.49        This was an outline application for the erection of a single dwelling with access off Marsh Terrace (appearance, landscape, layout and scale to be reserved for future consideration).

22.50        The Planning Officer advised that the application related to a plot of land which currently formed part of the rear garden of No. 9 Cowlsmead in Shurdington.  The application was in outline form with all matters reserved for future consideration except for access which was proposed to be off Marsh Terrace to the rear of the site.  The principle of development was supported by Policy SD10 of the Joint Core Strategy which supported housing where it represented infilling within the existing built-up areas of the borough’s villages and Shurdington itself was a designated service village.  Whilst matters relating to layout, appearance and scale were proposed to be reserved for future consideration, the application was supported by illustrative plans that showed how a dwelling could be accommodated on the site.  Although it was a relatively constrained site in terms of its size, the plans illustrated that a single dwelling could be accommodated on the site in an acceptable manner with the detailed design dealt with at the reserved maters stage.  In terms of access, the Highways Officer was satisfied that the proposal was acceptable, therefore, the Officer recommendation was to permit the application.

22.51        The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item.  The Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  A Member indicated that the Parish Council had very strong objections with regard to parking which was at a premium in the area.  He drew attention to the plan at Page No. 164 of the Officer report and pointed out that cars parked along the entire length of Marsh Terrace so it would be very difficult to gain access to the plot and cars would have to reverse out of the site back along Marsh Terrace and out onto Church Lane.  He could not see any other reason to refuse the application but was not happy to permit the proposal and would like to see it deferred for a Planning Committee Site Visit.  In response to a Members’ comment that it was difficult to understand how the access would relate to the site given the size of the site location plan, the Planning Officer provided a Google street map view to better show the access.  The representative from County Highways explained that the internal parking arrangement was a reserved matter and there was adequate capacity to reverse into the adjoining turning head so this would not warrant a refusal on the highway safety grounds.  It was not usual to expect a turning bay to be provided in an unclassified road but this would be considered at the approval of reserved matters stage, if Members were minded to permit the outline application.  In response to a query as to whether the turning head could be restricted to stop it being used for parking, the County Highways representative explained this could only be achieved with a Traffic Regulation Order which was not a planning consideration. People frequently took advantage of opportunities to park on-street and prohibiting parking would not necessarily make the application more acceptable in planning terms.  A Member raised concern as to whether emergency vehicles would be able to exit the site and confirmation was provided that this would be unchanged by the application and there would be no detriment as a result of the proposal. Another Member queried whether it was possible to include something in the reserved matters application to ensure there was adequate space to turn a vehicle within the garden of the property and the Planning and Enforcement Team Leader (South) indicated that was something Officers could explore but any condition of that nature would need to be justified – the Case Officer and the County Highways Officer had both advised this was not the case in terms of the outline application before Members.  A Member pointed out that he was aware of one resident in Shurdington who had a turntable to secure egress from his property in a forward motion, rather than reversing all the way along Church Lane, which demonstrated just how much of an issue parking was in the area. 

22.52         It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation and, upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

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