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Agenda item

Agenda item

20/00410/FUL - 5 Doughmeadow Cottages, Laverton

PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 2 (approved plan) of planning application 17/00599/FUL) to allow for the retention of changes to design and size of the extension.




22.16         This application was for variation of condition 2 (approved plan) of planning application 17/00599/FUL to allow for the retention of changes to design and size of the extension.

22.17         The Planning Officer advised that the application related to a mid-terraced dwelling located within the village of Laverton.  The application sought to vary a condition in order to regularise changes undertaken to the size and design of the extension, namely, the increase of 0.5 metres in ridge height, taking the extension to 3.5 metres in total height; the installation of a rubber roof as opposed to the originally permitted sedum roof; the overhang that had been created to the roof; alterations to the arrangement of the roof light windows; and changes to fenestration.  Whilst the letters of objection received from the Parish Council and local residents had been duly considered, they were not felt to present sufficient cause to warrant a refusal and the Officer recommendation was to permit the application.

22.18         The Chair invited the applicant’s agent to address the Committee.  The applicant’s agent explained that the major works had been approved in 2017 after considerable discussion with the Case Officer at the time and the Council’s Conservation Officer.  A minor amendment to the scheme had subsequently been submitted which had approved the parapet and the replacement of the sedum roof with a GRP roof covering, as such, there was no planning breach in respect of those elements.  The rooflights had also been approved as part of the original scheme in 2017.  Whilst the rear single storey extension was slightly taller than the original 2017 approval, a decision had been made on site to bring this in line with the flat roof which had been installed at the rear of the property.  This was a similar style to the parapet which had been approved and there were no issues regarding the impact on light to the property.  It was noted that, although the Parish Council had objected to the application, it had raised no objection to the proposal that had been approved in 2017.  He hoped that Members would feel able to support the Officer recommendation and permit the application before them.

22.19         A Member sought clarification as to exactly what the Committee was being asked to permit, in particular, whether the applicant’s agent’s assertion that the rubber roof had been approved in the non-material minor amendment on 20 November 2017 was correct.  In response, the Planning Officer confirmed that both the arrangement of the rooflights and the rubber roof had been permitted in the minor amendment and she apologised for her mistake.  She clarified that Members were now being asked to determine the overhang and the changes to fenestration.

22.20         The Chair indicated that the Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be deferred for a Planning Committee Site Visit in order to fully understand and assess the changes being proposed and, upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be DEFERRED for a Planning Committee Site Visit in order to fully understand and assess the changes being proposed.

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