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Agenda item

Re-opening the High Streets Safely Fund - Action Plan

To consider the report which sets out the government criteria for the use of the re-opening of the High Streets safely fund and to agree an initial action plan with delegation to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make decisions needed to implement the action plan

Subject To Call In::1. No - Item to Note 2 & 3 - No - Decision taken as urgent as defined in Scrutiny Rule of Procedure 15.1 due to the fact that there would be insufficient time for the completion of the call-in process before actions may be required in response to the changing circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.


1.       That the government criteria for the use of the Re-opening the High Streets Safely Fund be NOTED.

2.       That the initial action plan be AGREED and that it be NOTED that it was a dynamic document which may change.

3.       That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make the decisions needed to implement the action plan or vary it in response to circumstances which may arise as a consequence of the need to re-open the local economy safely, support social distancing or respond to business intelligence, including authority to enter into agreements, notices and other legal documents as necessary.


18.1          The report of the Interim Head of Development Services, circulated separately at Pages No. 23-28, and the amended Appendix circulated as an additional paper, explained the purpose of the Reopening High Streets Safely Fund launched by the government and set out how the funding may be spent. Members were asked to note the government criteria for the use of the fund; to agree the initial dynamic action plan; and delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of Council, to implement the action plan or vary it in response to circumstances which may arise as a consequence of the need to re-open the local economy safely, support social distancing or respond to business intelligence, including authority to enter into agreements, notices and other legal documents as necessary.

18.2          The Interim Head of Development Services advised that the report explained how the funding may be spent and that it could only be used to support business and for temporary public realm measures on High Streets. A high-level initial action plan had been circulated separately which identified the necessary actions to support the safe reopening of the local economy and the need to achieve social distancing.  This was an early report to Members to ensure the Council could make decisions at the pace expected by the government. A significant amount of work had already taken place to support businesses and reopen the High Street safely, including the use of ambassadors and the introduction of signage, a risk assessment tool kit, social media campaigns and direct support from both the Growth Hub and Environmental Health team – all of which was over and above ‘business as usual’. It was clear that a cautious approach had been taken to reopening by many businesses and that the work put in by the Council and the ambassadors had been very welcome. The action plan was the next stage and, although narrowly focussed by government, it allowed the Council’s work to continue and expand.

18.3          Attention was drawn to Page No. 25 of the report which detailed the purpose of the fund and that government had indicated it would be available up to, and including, March 2021 although the use of the fund was encouraged by the end of the calendar year. The full details of the European Regional Development Fund would be covered in a funding agreement which was yet to be issued. The action plan identified themed areas in which allocations were currently evenly distributed; however, this may change as the work progressed if businesses and community engagements identified additional relevant actions which needed to take place.

18.4          Referring to the amended action plan, the Interim Head of Development Services explained that theme 1 – support for the public / community engagement - was allocated £30,000 and would include public facing social media and communications campaigns; social distancing signage and stickers/pavement stamps; and community engagement. Theme 2 – business support - was allocated £26,534 for business information and small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) guidance on safe reopening; business engagement and monitoring; business facing social media and communications campaigns; and establishment of retail business groups across three retail centres. Theme 3 – temporary public realm changes - was allocated £25,000 for the introduction of a pedestrian one-way system on Church Street, Bishop’s Cleeve with pavement stencils and signage; pedestrian one-way on either side of the High Street, Winchcombe with pavement stencils and signage; one-way for pedestrians either side of the street (similar to the High Street) in North Street, Winchcombe allowing for widening of footpaths and retention of current parking; keep left on the walkway through Bishop’s Walk, Tewkesbury and signage at the entrances of alleyways which explained that social distancing would be difficult; and further activity to support social distancing following business and community engagement. Also included was a budget of £3,397 for project management, monitoring, evaluation and admin at 4%.

18.5          The Growth and Enterprise Manager outlined some of the business engagement and support which had been offered to date and the interventions being considered going forward. She explained that the Business team had been working closely with businesses through the crisis including getting grants out, providing wider business advice and offering targeted webinars. Most recently, they had been working with the retail sector in the two phases of reopening; circulating regular newsletters; making calls; appointing ambassadors to help shoppers on opening day; offering advice on the government guidance for retailers; and helping with safety measures. The experience had been a steep learning curve for all involved and a short survey targeted at businesses that had recently been reopening had helped the Council to understand what businesses were struggling with and how it could more effectively help and advise those that needed it. Businesses in the Borough had generally been good at getting the right measures in place and acting swiftly where necessary. To date, most had been implementing practical measures and some had opened in an adjusted fashion. The Growth Hub was working with the Local Enterprise Partnership and the National High Streets Task Force to ensure it was able to provide the ongoing support that businesses required at this time of uncertainty.

18.6          In response to a query regarding the funding agreement, the Interim Head of Development Services advised that there was not a huge amount she could say as the Council had not yet received the agreement. The use of this type of agreement was standard practice so she did not expect it to contain anything unusual. The grant action plan had been received from the government which provided some further guidance and this was helpful and welcomed by Officers; this included information like the signage and posters had to include the European flag in order that the fund could be accessed to pay for them. Members generally agreed that the work in getting the High Streets open again had been of an exceptionally high standard and the feedback they had received from businesses was that the Borough Council had been doing a great job and offering excellent support. One Member suggested that there was a role for local Members and Parish/Town Councils in what was happening in those areas and, in response, the Interim Head of Development Services offered reassurance that the team would be setting up discussions with Parish/Town Councils, Members, businesses and the Tewkesbury Town Regeneration Partnership to get feedback and understand whether any changes needed to be made. The Deputy Chief Executive reiterated that consultation would be fundamental to gaining useful intelligence that could be actioned effectively.

18.7          Accordingly, it was

Action By:DCE

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