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Agenda item

Agenda item

19/01194/FUL - Land East of Old Gloucester Road, Staverton

PROPOSAL: Change of use of land to provide nine travelling showperson’s plots and associated works including hardstanding. 




60.38        This application was for change of use of land to provide nine travelling showperson’s plots and associated works including hardstanding.

60.39        The Planning Officer explained that this application was identical to an earlier application which was currently the subject of a non-determination appeal scheduled to be held on 16 April 2020 with the Statement of Case due on 24 March 2020.  At the Planning Committee meeting in January 2020, Members had resolved that they would have refused the application had they gone on to determine it; whilst they had been happy that very special circumstances existed to outweigh harm to the Green Belt, concerns had been raised in respect of the proposed site access and the ability to achieve suitable visibility splays.  Essentially, it was unclear whether the visibility splay to the north east could be provided on land entirely within the control of the Highway Authority.  In response to this, further information had been provided by the applicant which sought to provide some clarity on ownership of the land in question.  The Highways Officer had reviewed the additional information and was satisfied that the visibility splays could be provided over land within the control of the Highway Authority or the applicant; on that basis, a planning condition could be imposed to secure the visibility splays.  The additional information had been subject to further consultation, including writing directly to the adjacent landowner, and no further matters had arisen from that.  Given that the very special circumstances case remained the same and the outstanding highway matters had been addressed, the Officer recommendation was to permit the application.

60.40        The Chair invited the applicant to address the Committee.  The applicant indicated that he wished to thank Officers for their hard work in bringing the application to the Committee so quickly.

60.41         The Chair indicated that the Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  The proposer of the motion indicated that he was happy to support the proposal on the basis of the very special circumstances that had been put forward which he felt would outweigh any harm to the Green Belt.  With regard to the site access arrangements, a Member pointed out that Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) entered and exited the site on a daily basis but there were no plans showing them turning right and she sought clarification that vehicles could turn both ways.  In response the County Highways representative confirmed that the access was acceptable both in terms of the speed and visibility.  A lot of work had been carried out with the applicant who had been very agreeable to County Highways’ position in terms of securing appropriate conditions.  It was not uncommon for HGVs to want to use A or B roads so the design must be necessary for them to enter and exit the site; that would be possible, albeit at a slower pace than a car, and he provided assurance that visibility splays were designed for the exceptional as opposed to the regular so County Highways was fully satisfied that all vehicles could safely turn out of the site and onto the highway.  Another Member indicated that the site was within his Ward and it was interesting that it was recommended for permission given its location within the Green Belt.  The Member felt the very special circumstances case was similar to that put forward for other applications within his Ward which had been refused.

60.42         Upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

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