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Agenda item

Agenda item

19/00722/FUL - Land at Berry Wormington, Stanway Road, Stanton

PROPOSAL: New livestock/general purpose store building and formation of new access track and yard.




60.15        This application was for a new livestock/general purpose store building and formation of a new access track and yard. 

60.16        The Planning Officer advised that the proposal would be served by a new access and track from the B4632 and, in combination with Agenda Items 5e and 5f, would form a new farmstead on a presently undeveloped field parcel.  Whilst agricultural enterprises were broadly supported by the National Planning Policy Framework and local plan policy, the proposal would have landscape and heritage implications given its location within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and its proximity to a number of listed buildings. The agricultural need for the building had been demonstrated and the scale and design of the building was considered appropriate for the proposed use.  Although there would be some landscape harm by virtue of the development being within the open countryside, it was considered that the limited harm could be mitigated by conditions relating to landscaping, materials and external lighting.  The setting to Wormington Grange - a Grade II* listed building - would be preserved subject to compliance with the conditions set out in the Officer report.  The Additional Representations Sheet, attached at Appendix 1, set out further information with regards to landscaping, external lighting, pollution control and the apron to the development which had all helped to address concerns, and the Officer recommendation was to grant permission, subject to conditions set out in the Officer report as amended by the late material set out on the Additional Representations Sheet.

60.17        The Vice-Chair in the chair invited the applicant to address the Committee.  The applicant indicated that he intended to speak to this application and the subsequent applications at Agenda Items 5e and 5f.  He explained that he had built up his livestock business - which included 1,200 breeding ewes, 2,400 lambs, 30 breeding rams and a number of cows and calves – over the last 25 years.  As any farmers would appreciate, machinery and buildings were essential for the continued successful running of a business that was reliant on good animal welfare; buildings allowed secure locations to undertake activities such as lambing and calving and for storage of hay/straw and equipment/machinery.  He had previously rented large barns to undertake such activities; however, in 2018, his lease had not been renewed leaving him without secure premises.  This had been a very anxious time with a real threat of losing the business.  The land at Berry Wormington had become available which had opened up the opportunity for him to continue farming.  Although he rented land in various parts of the borough, this was the only land he owned and its purchase had represented a huge gamble; whilst the proposal was also a big investment, the opportunity to lessen the risk and increase the farm offering was invaluable.  From his experience with a previous application, he had come to appreciate the landscape sensitivities of the site and had worked hard with Officers and external organisations over the past years to create a high quality scheme with minimal impact on the surrounding area.  The applicant went on to explain that the site was within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the listed buildings Wormington Grange and Berry Wormington were both within the vicinity.  Through dialogue with the Council’s Landscape and Conservation Officers, several amendments had been made to the proposal, including differently coloured external materials and additional planting of trees and hedges, which had been well-received.  The Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Conservation Board had noted the efforts to adjust the scheme in line with its advice and, although there was some concern about darker skies, this had been discussed with the Planning Officer and three conditions had been agreed which would ensure that any lighting used would not significantly impact on the darkness of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  The Environment Agency had not objected to the application and, further to its comments, the applicant had submitted a statement that set out how the scheme accorded with relevant Control of Pollution (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) Regulations 1991. The Committee was being asked to consider applications for three new barns which had been demonstrated to be necessary and policy compliant.  In summary, he explained that the development was for the purposes of the continued functioning of a successful family agricultural business and, working with Officers and external organisations, amendments had been made and conditions agreed in order to create a high quality scheme with minimal impact on the landscape.  He urged Members to support the Officer recommendations in relation to the three applications and permit his proposals.

60.18        The Vice-Chair in the chair indicated that the Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  A Member indicated that she was very happy to have the opportunity to support an application for a rural business within her Ward.  In response to a query in relation to the location of the site in Flood Zone 3, and the potential for leeching into existing watercourses, the Planning Officer drew attention to the Additional Representations Sheet which referenced the waste/manure management plan which explained the processes that would be carried out in the barns and that waste generation from the enterprise would be removed from the site and disposed of elsewhere.  Upon being taken to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

Supporting documents: