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Agenda item

Agenda item

Communications Strategy

To consider the Communications Strategy 2020-24 and to recommend it to the Executive Committee for approval.


65.1           Attention was drawn to the report of the Head of Corporate Services, circulated at Pages No. 76-106, and the revised Appendix 2 – Media Protocol, circulated separately.  Members were asked to consider the Communications Strategy 2020-24 and recommend to the Executive Committee that it be approved.

65.2           Members were informed that the previous Communications Strategy had been approved by the Executive Committee in 2017 so it had been necessary to carry out a review to ensure the strategy remained in line with best practice.  Clear communication helped to strengthen relationships with the public, residents, stakeholders, Councillors and employees and to inform them of service changes in response to the challenges facing local government.  The revised Communications Strategy, attached at Appendix 1 to the report, covered a four year period from 2020 to 2024 and would ensure that the Council embraced modern digital communications - such as social media, the Council’s website and email – whilst recognising the need to continue with more traditional methods e.g. face to face meetings and telephone contact.  The strategy identified key communication principles, achievements to date, what people thought of the authority, objectives going forward and how they would be achieved.  This was supported by an action plan which would be monitored by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on an annual basis.  Appendix 2, circulated separately, set out the Council’s media protocol which outlined the approach to dealing with media enquiries, developing press releases and identifying spokespersons.

65.3           A Member questioned how Ward Councillors were contacted if they were required to respond to a media enquiry and the Communications Officer advised that this was dependent on the timescale but would usually be via email, followed up with a telephone call.  A Member pointed out a typographical error on Page No. 9 of Appendix 2 where a reference was made to a Director rather than a Head of Service and the Corporate Services Manager undertook to ensure this was amended prior to consideration by the Executive Committee.

65.4           A Member drew attention to Page No. 84 of the report which stated that 58 members of the Citizens’ Panel had responded to a snapshot survey regarding communications and he questioned how many members were on the Panel in total.  In response, the Corporate Services Manager advised that there were approximately 250 volunteer members so this was a fairly high response rate.  She pointed out that when the wider customer satisfaction survey was carried out, this was promoted on social media and the Council’s website in order to encourage a greater response.  The Panel engaged regularly with the Council on a range of issues and consideration was being given as to how to thank them for their time.  A Member queried what criteria was used to establish the Panel and was advised that the only requirement was for members to be residents of Tewkesbury Borough.  It was noted that there was a link on the Council’s website for anyone who was interested in becoming a member of the Panel and that the Panel was regularly promoted in the Borough News.  The Chair suggested that this could also be mentioned by Members at Parish and Town Council meetings.

65.5           It was

RESOLVED          That it be RECOMMENDED TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE that the Communications Strategy 2020-24 be APPROVED, subject to an amendment to Page No. 9 of Appendix 2 to change the reference from Director to Head of Service.

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