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Issue > Agenda item

Agenda item

Review of Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Council Tax Discounts

To endorse the proposed consultation on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020/21.

Subject To Call In::No - Ongoing Matter.


That the proposed public consultation on a Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2020/21 be undertaken during the period 16 September to 25 October 2019, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the amendment of consultation question 4 which currently offers the responses ‘strongly agree’; ‘agree’; ‘neutral’; ‘disagree’; and ‘strongly disagree’ but then asks for further information if the respondent has answered ‘yes’.


29.1           The report of the Head of Corporate Services, circulated at Pages No. 21-33, asked the Committee to endorse public consultation on a Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2020/21.

29.2           The Revenues and Benefits Manager explained that the Council Tax Reduction Scheme had replaced Council Tax Benefit from April 2013 and, since that time, Councils had been required to set their own scheme which related to working age claimants. In structuring a scheme, the Council had key duties around mobility and the protection of vulnerable residents. Possible options had been presented to Members at a meeting of the Transform Working Group and the preferred options for investigation were agreed as keeping the scheme as it was; introducing a scheme where all working age claimants paid a percentage of their Council Tax; and to consider an income banded scheme.

29.3           Members were advised that, by law, the Council was required to consult with the major precepting authorities along with anyone else it considered likely to have an interest in the operation of the scheme. The proposed consultation would ask a number of questions to seek views on a new scheme based on income bands, whether the Council should ask all working age claimants to pay something or if it should remain on the default scheme. A banded scheme would mean the level of Council Tax reduction awarded would only need to change if income went above or below the band threshold which consequently would reduce the number of revised Council Tax bills that were issued. The proposed consultation would be available on the Council’s website for a six week period from 16 September to 25 October with a paper copy being available to anyone that required one. In addition, visitors to reception would be made aware of the consultation and a flyer would be issued with correspondence to Council Tax and Council Tax reduction customers. Once the results of the consultation had been analysed a report would be taken to the Executive Committee with recommendations on a revised scheme for 2020/21 along with detailed financial information.

29.4           During the discussion which ensued, a Member referred to consultation question 4  and indicated that, whilst the responses were not ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers, the second part of the question referred to whether or not the respondent had answered ‘yes’. The Revenues and Benefits Manager undertook to amend this to ensure the question was clearer. In terms of people who may not be able to look at the website, Members were advised that the consultation would also be promoted through the Financial Inclusion Partnership, at Parish Offices and at the Area Information Centres. The intention was to direct as much of the information as possible electronically, as well as to engage people as part of the day to day business of the Council, but it was accepted that this was not possible for all residents. In addition, an article had been included in the last edition of the Borough News to tell people to look out for the consultation.

29.5           Having considered the report, and information provided, it was

Action By:DCE

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