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Agenda item

Agenda item

Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel Update

To receive an update from the Council’s representative on matters considered at the last meeting. 


57.1          Members received an update from the Council’s representative on the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel on matters discussed at the last meeting of the Panel held on 16 November 2018.

57.2          Members were advised that the Panel had considered a lengthy paper from the Police and Crime Commissioner regarding his wish to review his previous decision not to pursue a case for change in fire governance.  The Commissioner said that, in light of a recent internal audit investigation into whistleblowing concerns relating to Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, now was the time to re-consult on the Police and Crime Commissioner taking over governance.  The Council’s representative indicated that little support had been shown towards the Commissioner’s plans but he expected there would be lengthy ongoing discussions and a further briefing was being organised for the Panel.   He noted that this was also an Agenda Item for the Council meeting on 4 December 2018 so Members would have an opportunity to discuss it then.

57.3          The Chief Executive’s report had included the annual report of the Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) and it had been pleasing to note the increase in the number of visits taking place on a Friday and Saturday night, and in the evenings; overall the ICVs had spoken to 65% of detainees in custody which was up from 58% in 2017.  The Panel had also received its usual report on Police and Crime Plan priorities and the Council’s representative advised that 999 calls were 7% higher than the previous year - in the first quarter of the year they had been 25% higher than in 2015 which was concerning.

57.4          It was noted that a copy of the whistleblowing policy, which applied both to Gloucestershire Constabulary and the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office, had been tabled at the meeting.  It had been intended to have a presentation on safe and social driving but that had been deferred to the next meeting.  The Council’s representative advised that the Panel had agreed the request from the newly formed National Association of Police and Crime (Fire) Panels for him to become a member of its Executive.  It was also confirmed that the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel would be represented at any regional meetings called by Panels in the South West. 

57.5          The Council’s representative indicated that there had been some discussion around the issue of employer pension contributions. It was noted that the treasury had recalculated a formula which related to all public sector pension schemes but had particularly hit unfunded schemes such as the Police.  There would be an increase in contributions that the employer would have to make which equated to the Police and Crime Commissioner needing to find an extra £1.7M in the coming financial year.

57.6          The Chief Executive advised that an item on the Police and Crime Commissioner consultation in respect of the Fire Service had been included on the Agenda for the Council meeting on 4 December 2018 at the request of the Leader of the Council who felt it was appropriate for Members to have an opportunity to discuss the proposal and to respond to the consultation if necessary.

57.7          The Chair thanked the Council’s representative for his report and indicated that it would be circulated following the meeting.  It was

RESOLVED          That the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel Update be NOTED.