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Agenda item

Agenda item

Economic Development and Tourism Strategy

To consider the progress made against the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy during Year One and the actions identified for 2018/19. 


13.1           The report of the Community and Economic Development Manager, circulated at Pages No. 90-111, provided an update on the delivery of the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy 2017-21.  Members were asked to consider the progress made during year one and the actions identified for 2018/19.

13.2           The Community and Economic Development Manager advised that the Executive Committee had adopted the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy in June 2017 following its development by an Overview and Scrutiny Review Working Group.  A key element for the Working Group was the commissioning and development of an employment land review, economic assessment and business survey which had been carried out by Bruton Knowles.  A number of key actions from the strategy had been fulfilled over the last 12 months and examples were set out at Paragraph 2.1 of the report. Several actions had subsequently been developed for 2018/19 and notable priorities were set out at Paragraph 3.1 of the report.  The full action plan was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.  The Community and Economic Development Manager explained that it was very much a corporate strategy reflecting the Council Plan and Officers across the organisation had contributed to its success. 

13.3           In terms of the work in 2017/18, the Growth and Enterprise Manager advised that the LEADeR programme had funded 15 schemes to date worth £500,000. These included a shop and workshop for Café au Chocolat in Tewkesbury Town Centre and equipment for the Spray Booth on Tewkesbury Business Park.  Members were encouraged to let Officers know if they were aware of any potential projects which may be suitable for funding during 2018/19.  She went on to refer to two business events that had been held during the year: the launch of Tewkesbury branding at the Porsche showroom in June 2017 and a Business Breakfast at Tewkesbury Park Hotel in May 2018.  Both events had attracted over 100 people and had been excellent opportunities to showcase the positive work that was being done.  In 2018/19 it was intended to move these events to Brockworth, Staverton or Winchcombe.  Regular one to one sessions were held with businesses through the year and there had been interest from a company which was currently located in Cotswold District which was looking to move to Tewkesbury Borough so Officers across various departments, including Planning and Environmental Health, would be working with them to find premises and make the process as smooth as possible.  One significant project was the development of the Growth Hub at the Public Service Centre which was on target to complete by the end of the month.  It was intended to have a soft opening in July/August 2018, when businesses could make appointments to use the Hub, with an official launch in September when the refurbishment of the Committee Suite and reception area had been completed.  In terms of service delivery, operational plans were in place to ensure that added value was provided by the Council, for example, key service areas would have Officer Champions and there would be multi-agency meetings to prevent businesses being passed around to a number of different departments. 

13.4           The Leader of the Council stressed that the Growth Hub would be a really positive addition to the Council and the Growth and Enterprise Manager had an essential role to play as the face of the authority in terms of dealing with businesses.  He felt this was one of the most exciting projects the Council had embarked upon; this would be the first Growth Hub to be located in a local authority which demonstrated how well the Council engaged with businesses.  He noted that the Working Group which had developed the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy had been set up by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and he thanked everyone who had been involved as this hard work was now paying dividends.  He went on to explain that other individual actions would develop throughout the year but made specific reference to the importance of transport infrastructure – rail strategy ideas were being developed and consideration was being given to the potential opportunities at Gloucestershire Airport.

13.5           A Member indicated that Gwinnett’s Tomb in Down Hatherley was the borough’s newest tourist attraction and had been used to launch the Gloucestershire History Festival.  He felt this should be incorporated into the strategy and used to promote the borough.  The Community and Economic Development Manager confirmed that contact had previously been made with the Parish Council and he was happy to follow this up again to offer support - he undertook to discuss this further with the Member outside of the meeting.  A Member noted that all of the activities referenced were in Tewkesbury town and she questioned if there were any examples of work in other parts of the borough.  The Growth and Enterprise Manager reiterated that she was currently working with businesses in Winchcombe and had met with a start-up business the previous day to consider a funding plan and how support could be offered through the Growth Hub.  Work was also being carried out with a company on Gloucester Business Park and it was planned to hold an event at Gloucestershire Airport later in the year.  There were other Growth Hubs available across the borough and, whilst the main one would be at the Public Service Centre, there were Hubs in Bishop’s Cleeve and Tewkesbury libraries; notwithstanding this, she was very keen to make sure the main Growth Hub was successful in supporting businesses across the borough.  A Member questioned how Officers had been successful in encouraging the business in Cotswold District to relocate and was advised that the cosmetics company was currently based in Moreton-in-Marsh but was looking to relocate to Junction 9 of the M5 in order to set up a national training centre; this contact had been made through the Growth Hub.  In terms of marketing and branding, the Community and Economic Development Manager explained that prospectuses had been produced and Members would already have seen the promotional video for Tewkesbury; it was hoped that these materials would help to attract businesses.

13.6           Several Members expressed the view that the work being carried out was very impressive and congratulated the Officers involved.  It was subsequently

RESOLVED          That the progress made against the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy during year one, and the actions identified for 2018/19, be NOTED.

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