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Calendar > Issue > Committee attendance > Agenda item

Agenda item

Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review Update

To receive an update on the progress of the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review. 


93.1           The Chair indicated that the Head of Development Services would be providing an update on the progress of the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review.

93.2           Members would be aware that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had previously established a Working Group in order to assist with the development of a new Economic Development and Tourism Strategy.  Economic development and tourism was one of four key themes in the Council Plan.  The Council had successfully applied for funding which had enabled a consultant to be appointed to carry out an employment land review, economic assessment and land survey to inform the strategy.  This work had been completed and presented to all Members at a seminar in October 2016.  Since that time, the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review Working Group had been designing the strategy and building on the recommendations in the consultant’s report.  The Working Group would be meeting on 30 March 2017 to approve the draft strategy, along with a year one action plan, which would be presented for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 2 May 2017.  The Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be asked to endorse the strategy and action plan and to recommend them to the Executive Committee for adoption at its meeting on 7 June 2017.

93.3           A Member indicated that he had expressed concern on several occasions that the review had been ongoing for some time and yet there was no evidence of any outcomes.  He felt that the Committee needed some reassurance about the work that was underway in order for Members be able to give the local communities which they represented some insight into what was planned.  The Head of Development Services provided assurance that there was a very clear work programme which Members would see when the strategy came forward at the next meeting.  The Economic and Community Development Manager advised that there was currently a great deal of work underway, particularly in respect of Tewkesbury Town centre, and not all of it related directly to the strategy.  If Members had any specific queries, or if businesses needed any advice or support, the team would be more than happy to help.  The Chief Executive explained that Tewkesbury Borough was the greatest growth area in Gloucestershire and this would be reflected in the strategy which intended to address the wider, strategic issues as well as the more routine, day-to-day aspects of economic development. 

93.4           A Member raised a specific concern about the loss of traders from Tewkesbury Town market.  The Economic and Community Development Manager advised that Officers regularly communicated with Cotswold Markets - who ran the market in Spring Gardens, as well as the farmers’ market and annual food and drink festival - and, whilst there had been some concerns, he had been informed that there had been an improvement by the end of 2016.  The development of the Spring Gardens site would provide an opportunity to promote the market and bring in more customers.  Another Member expressed concern about the High Street market taking trade away from the shops in the High Street and the problems which this caused for people living in the town as a result of overflow traffic.  He was informed that only one comment had been received from a concerned trader, however, there were mixed views about the market.  A meeting was due to be arranged with County Highways to discuss the impact on the roads and whether it supported the local economy in the way it could do.

93.5           Having considered the information provided, it was

RESOLVED          That the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review update be NOTED.