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Agenda item

Performance Management Report - Quarter Two 2016/17

To receive and respond to the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee‘s review of the quarter two performance management information. 

Subject To Call In::No - Item to Note.


That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s comments on the Performance Management Report for Quarter Two of 2016/17 be NOTED.    


78.1           The report of the Head of Corporate Services, circulated at Pages No. 17-50, asked Members to review and, if appropriate, take action on the observations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following its review of the 2016/17 quarter two performance management information.

78.2           Attention was drawn to the observations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, attached to the report at Appendix 1, and to the Council Plan Performance Tracker, attached at Appendix 2 to the report.

78.3           In the absence of the Chair, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Vice-Chair explained that this was the Committee’s second review of the new Council Plan. At the request of the Committee, and to make the tracker more robust, target implementation dates for each action had now been added which should enable more effective scrutiny going forward. The contents of the Officer report had been noted by the Committee, including the progression of significant activities since the last quarter - those included a commercial property investment; the demolition of Cascades; a successful bid to the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to host a Growth Hub; the implementation of the new website; and the achievement of milestones in relation to the procurement of a new vehicle fleet. At the meeting specific questioning around the Council Plan actions had included the perceived lack of progress in respect of the regeneration of Spring Gardens and whether the Spring Gardens and Oldbury Road Regeneration Member Reference Panel needed to be convened to discuss alternatives; whether more resources needed to be put into enviro-crimes given the number of reported incidents and the need to tackle those issues; and whether assurance could be given that, as the Public Service Centre expanded, there would be adequate car parking provision. Members had been advised that the Spring Gardens and Oldbury Road Regeneration Member Reference Panel would meet in the New Year and would be provided with an overview of the current situation – Members felt it would be important to remember that whatever was put into place would be there for a long time so it was essential that it was right. In terms of enviro-crimes, the Vice-Chair offered assurance that this continued to be monitored by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and that it would be receiving a monitoring report at its meeting on 7 February which would provide progress on the appointment of an Environmental Warden and discuss the opportunities to review the Council’s approach to enviro-crimes once the new management structure was in place. In terms of car parking provision at the Public Services Centre, the Head of Finance and Asset Management had advised Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members that this was within the scope of the project through proposed improvements to the Lower Lode Depot. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had also noted the issues around the Joint Core Strategy and the knock on effects to other projects such as the Borough Plan but it was recognised that these were subject to consideration by the wider Membership. With regards to key performance indicators, the Committee had noted that there had been a significant improvement in the processing of major planning applications since quarter one and it was expected that the target of 80% would be achieved; there had been improved performance of processing of minor and other planning applications compared with 2015/16, although the 90% target for minor applications remained a challenge; there had been a significant improvement in the number of days of sickness absence since quarter one as a result of a reduction in long term sickness; and, with regards to recycling, the outlook remained positive.

78.4           During the discussion which ensued, a Member referred to Page No. 22 of the report and asked that Members be provided with a breakdown of the active applications on the housing register so that they could see whether there was a problem or whether the figures were over exaggerated in the way they were presented. She questioned how quickly the gold level and emergency applicants were moving along the list; how many had been on the register for a long time just because they wanted to move rather than actually being in real need of moving; and the number of people on the register at each level. In response, the Head of Corporate Services advised that this information could be provided going forward as he was in the midst of compiling the quarter three data and so would be able to incorporate that information. Referring to Page No. 44 of the report, the Member questioned why the information in respect of the total number of people within the Borough who were assisted by the Citizens’ Advice Bureau was broken down in the way it was. She advised that she would prefer to see the figures for the whole of Churchdown and the whole of Bishop’s Cleeve rather than just one Ward of each. In response, the Head of Corporate Services advised that he would see if such a split could be provided.

78.5           In terms of the processing rates in the planning service, a Member expressed the view that one of the biggest problems occurred when the Council was slow to react in respect of large applications. In response, the Deputy Chief Executive advised that it did not matter whether the application was for a conservatory or a large multi-national organisation, the key was communication. It was essential that applicants were kept informed at all levels and stages. He felt there was a need in general for a performance management culture in planning services and he was keen that this was introduced as an integral part of any review. A Member indicated that there had been huge resource issues in the planning department but, as this was now being addressed, it seemed like the right time to look at furthering the improvements already being made.

78.6           The Executive Committee Chair thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its work and, accordingly, it was

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