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Meeting attendance > Agenda item

Agenda item

Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel Update

To receive an update from the Council’s representative on matters considered at the last meeting. 


55.1           Members received an update from Councillor Rob Garnham, the Council’s representative on the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel, on matters discussed at the last meeting of the Panel held on 7 November 2016. 

55.2           Councillor Garnham advised that the Chair continued to have meetings with the Chairs of Wiltshire and Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panels to ensure collaboration matters were addressed.  The Panel had received a presentation on the new operating model which had been adopted by Gloucestershire Constabulary and it had been noted that there was a need for another £30M of savings.  One aim of the model was to ensure that the Constabulary was as efficient as possible, for example, by introducing mobile technology, and he reported that Gloucestershire was now amongst the most digitally advanced in the country.  The main focus was still protecting the most vulnerable and reducing harm; it was acknowledged that neighbourhood policing was not perfect but a balance had to be struck between using Officers on neighbourhood policing simply because they were available or using them on more productive business.  The new Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner would have a focus on neighbourhood policing and further work was needed to develop a better strategy.  Superintendent Richard Cooper had given the Panel an update on the results of the operating model and it was noted that Gloucestershire had the lowest violent crime rate per 1,000 population in the country and it was the second most improved Constabulary in the country from June 2015.  One of the strengths of the model was greater research being carried out in the control room before despatch; however, this could also be perceived as a weakness because it then took longer to reach incidents.  Officers now spent longer at incidents and this could be one of the reasons for improved satisfaction rates.  Whilst the amount of crime had not risen, the amount of complex crime had increased and it was a challenge to keep on top of this with a reduced budget.

55.3           Councillor Garnham went on to advise that the Police and Crime Commissioner’s latest plan for 2017-21 had been presented for final ratification and, apart from one objection, it had been supported by the Panel.  The Chief Executive’s report now contained useful crime statistics and data relating to complaints received.  There had been an update on the 101 service with ongoing concerns that only 79.2% of callers had their call answered within 40 seconds when this should be 90% or more.  One piece of good news that did not appear to have received much media attention was a report from the Howard League for Penal Reform which had published data relating to the number of children entering the criminal justice system.  The report showed that, between 2010 and 2015, the number of children being arrested had fallen by 58% nationally, and by 52% in Gloucestershire which he believed was excellent news.  Members were also informed that the Blue Light Collaboration Task Group would begin its work in January and was aimed primarily at looking at how Gloucestershire might respond to the government’s ideas around Police and Crime Panels taking responsibility for Fire and Rescue Services.  It was noted that the next meeting of the Police and Crime Panel was due to be held on 9 January 2017.

55.4           In response to a query regarding the national initiative to discourage mobile telephone use when driving, Councillor Garnham advised that there had recently been a road safety campaign which had resulted in a number of people being stopped.  The Chief Constable was the national lead for road policing and there was a strong message that this was something which was not to be tolerated.

55.5           The Chair thanked the Council’s representative for his presentation and indicated that the update would be circulated to Members via email following the meeting.  It was

RESOLVED          That the feedback from the last meeting of the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel be NOTED.