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Agenda item

Agenda item

Development Control - Applications to the County Council

To note the following decisions of Gloucestershire County Council:





Shurdington Primary School

Badgeworth Lane



Erection of a new temporary classroom.

Application PERMITTED subject to conditions in relation to the commencement of development and the scope of the development for the following summary of reasons:


‘The proposed classroom is required to accommodate a planned increase in pupils from September 2016.  The proposed building would be located at the side of the school on an existing grassed area, currently used for open access.  The school retains sufficient outdoor amenity space within its grounds to accommodate the proposal.  Subject to conditions, it is considered that the proposal will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the character of the area, the ecology of the site nor the amenity of neighbouring residents and the general locality by reason of its design, appearance, scale and siting in accordance with Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan to 2011 (Adopted March 2006)(Saved Policy): GNL8, GNL15, TPT1, TPT6, EVT2, LND7 and NCN5, and the aims and interests that the National Planning Policy Framework seeks to protect and promote.’



Grangefield Primary School

Voxwell Lane

Bishop’s Cleeve


Expansion of school to 2FE including new eight classroom block, kitchen/hall extension to existing school hall, additional on-site parking and new canopy.

Application PERMITTED subject to conditions in relation to the commencement of development; scope of the development; construction period working hours; submission of a Construction Method Statement; pedestrian access restriction; temporary access and visibility; cycle parking; travel plan; ecology; flood risk management; and submission of a landscape scheme for the following summary of reasons:


‘The proposed eight classroom block, kitchen/hall extension, additional on-site parking and a new canopy on the south and west elevations of the KS1 play area is required to accommodate a planned increase in pupils from one to two forms of entry.  The design of the proposed classroom and kitchen extension is in keeping with the existing modern school, reflecting some of the features in roof design and materials.  It is sympathetic in scale and well located in relation to the existing buildings.  Subject to conditions, it is considered that the proposal will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the character of the area, the ecology of the site nor the amenity of neighbouring residents and the general locality by reason of its design, appearance, scale and siting in accordance with Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan to 2011 (Adopted March 2006)(Saved Policy): GNL8, GNL15, TPT1, TPT6, EVT2, EVT3, LND7 and NCN5, and the aims and interests that the National Planning Policy Framework seeks to protect and promote’.



Churchdown Village County Junior School

Station Road



Extension to provide a SEN/physiotherapy room and associated works.

Application PERMITTED subject to conditions in relation to the commencement of development; scope of the development; construction hours of working; and submission of a Construction Method Statement for the following summary of reasons:


‘The proposed development to construct an extension would improve the teaching of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) who will be attending the school from September 2016.  The proposals satisfy the requirements of Paragraph 69 of the National Planning Policy Framework which places great weight on the need to create, expand or alter schools.  It would not increase the number of pupil numbers at the school or the staff to teach.  The proposed extension will not be visible from public vantage points being single storey, located on the northern side of existing buildings which are well within the school campus site, surrounded by playing fields.  The extension would be constructed of materials which will be sympathetic to the materials used in the existing buildings to which it would be attached.  This extension would be of modern design, in keeping with the existing school buildings and accords with Paragraphs 56 and 68 of the National Planning Policy Framework which requires good design to be well integrated into the environment.  The proposal gives rise to no material harm, is in accordance with the development plan and National Planning Policy Framework; there are no material considerations that could justify refusal’.



23.1           The following decisions of Gloucestershire County Council were NOTED:




Shurdington Primary School

Badgeworth Lane



Erection of a new temporary classroom.

Application PERMITTED subject to conditions in relation to the commencement of development and the scope of the development for the following summary of reasons:


‘The proposed classroom is required to accommodate a planned increase in pupils from September 2016.  The proposed building would be located at the side of the school on an existing grassed area, currently used for open access.  The school retains sufficient outdoor amenity space within its grounds to accommodate the proposal.  Subject to conditions, it is considered that the proposal will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the character of the area, the ecology of the site nor the amenity of neighbouring residents and the general locality by reason of its design, appearance, scale and siting in accordance with Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan to 2011 (Adopted March 2006)(Saved Policy): GNL8, GNL15, TPT1, TPT6, EVT2, LND7 and NCN5, and the aims and interests that the National Planning Policy Framework seeks to protect and promote.’



Grangefield Primary School

Voxwell Lane

Bishop’s Cleeve


Expansion of school to 2FE including new eight classroom block, kitchen/hall extension to existing school hall, additional on-site parking and new canopy.

Application PERMITTED subject to conditions in relation to the commencement of development; scope of the development; construction period working hours; submission of a Construction Method Statement; pedestrian access restriction; temporary access and visibility; cycle parking; travel plan; ecology; flood risk management; and submission of a landscape scheme for the following summary of reasons:


‘The proposed eight classroom block, kitchen/hall extension, additional on-site parking and a new canopy on the south and west elevations of the KS1 play area is required to accommodate a planned increase in pupils from one to two forms of entry.  The design of the proposed classroom and kitchen extension is in keeping with the existing modern school, reflecting some of the features in roof design and materials.  It is sympathetic in scale and well located in relation to the existing buildings.  Subject to conditions, it is considered that the proposal will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the character of the area, the ecology of the site nor the amenity of neighbouring residents and the general locality by reason of its design, appearance, scale and siting in accordance with Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan to 2011 (Adopted March 2006)(Saved Policy): GNL8, GNL15, TPT1, TPT6, EVT2, EVT3, LND7 and NCN5, and the aims and interests that the National Planning Policy Framework seeks to protect and promote’.



Churchdown Village County Junior School

Station Road



Extension to provide a SEN/physiotherapy room and associated works.

Application PERMITTED subject to conditions in relation to the commencement of development; scope of the development; construction hours of working; and submission of a Construction Method Statement for the following summary of reasons:


‘The proposed development to construct an extension would improve the teaching of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) who will be attending the school from September 2016.  The proposals satisfy the requirements of Paragraph 69 of the National Planning Policy Framework which places great weight on the need to create, expand or alter schools.  It would not increase the number of pupil numbers at the school or the staff to teach.  The proposed extension will not be visible from public vantage points being single storey, located on the northern side of existing buildings which are well within the school campus site, surrounded by playing fields.  The extension would be constructed of materials which will be sympathetic to the materials used in the existing buildings to which it would be attached.  This extension would be of modern design, in keeping with the existing school buildings and accords with Paragraphs 56 and 68 of the National Planning Policy Framework which requires good design to be well integrated into the environment.  The proposal gives rise to no material harm, is in accordance with the development plan and National Planning Policy Framework; there are no material considerations that could justify refusal’.