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Agenda item

Agenda item

Corporate Policies and Strategies

To consider the list of corporate policies and strategies for potential review by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee during 2016/17. 


15.1           The report of the Corporate Services Group Manager, circulated at Pages No. 99-109, provided a list of corporate policies and strategies.  Members were asked to consider the list and identify those for inclusion within the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2016/17.

15.2           The Corporate Services Group Manager explained that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had previously requested a list of Council policies and strategies to help inform its Work Programme and to provide support to the Executive Committee.  The list was updated on an annual basis and the policies and strategies due for review in 2016/17 were highlighted in bold at Appendix 1 to the report.  He indicated that there were potentially three policies/strategies which he felt could be focused upon for inclusion in the Committee’s Work Programme: Risk Management Strategy; Absence Management Policy; and Housing and Homelessness Strategy.  He suggested that the first two could be dealt with through workshops with a Working Group being formed to review the Housing and Homelessness Strategy.

15.3           A Member sought clarification as to the progress being made by the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review Working Group which had been established by the Committee during 2015 and he questioned whether an update should have been provided to the Committee.  The Community and Economic Development Manager advised that the Working Group had held its fourth meeting the previous day.  The review had gone on for longer than anticipated as the Chair had agreed that further information was needed given the importance of the role of economic development within the Council Plan.  This had provided an opportunity for consultation with external organisations and Bruton Knowles was also carrying out an employment land assessment and business survey which would be used to inform the new strategy.  He indicated that he would be happy to circulate a Member Update outlining the progress made to date.

15.4           A Member queried what the review of the Mobile Homes and Caravan Site Licensing Policy would cover and the Chief Executive clarified that this was not connected to the Joint Core Strategy.  There was no particular issue with the policy but it was due for review and Officers would report back if there were any concerns.  A Member questioned whether the review of the ‘Use of ICT Resources by Elected Members’ would include Members’ ICT equipment.  In response the Democratic Services Group Manager advised that this was not covered by that particular review, or by the ICT Strategy which was also due for review, but there was a need to document the equipment and services being used by Members in order to establish a consistent approach to the supply and funding of such equipment and services for the future. 

15.5           Members agreed that the three policies/strategies identified by the Corporate Services Group Manager would be the most appropriate for review and accordingly it was

RESOLVED          That the following policies and strategies be included for review in the Committee’s 2016/17 Work Programme:

·                      Risk Management Strategy

·                      Absence Management Policy

·                      Housing and Homelessness Strategy

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