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Agenda item

13/01003/OUT - Land South of A46 and North of Tirle Brook, Ashchurch

To consider the provision of a shuttlebus service following a decision to defer the application at the last Planning Committee meeting.


90.31         Attention was drawn to the report of the Senior Planning Officer, circulated at Pages No. 66-141, which asked Members to permit planning application 13/01003/OUT Land South of A46 and North of the Tirle Brook, for a proposed garden centre, retail outlet centre and ancillary facilities, together with associated infrastructure works including access, car parking and landscaping, subject to the suggested planning conditions and Section 106 Agreements to mitigate the impact on Tewkesbury town centre; to address transportation issues and to ensure that land was safeguarded for potential highway improvements to the A46 and Junction 9 of the M5. 

90.32         Members were reminded that the application had been deferred at the last meeting of the Committee in order to negotiate the provision of a shuttlebus linking the proposed development with Tewkesbury town centre.  Officers had been working with the applicant and it was agreed that the best way to achieve this would be via a condition, which had been included as condition 42 of the list of suggested conditions set out at Appendix 5 to the report.  The condition required that a scheme be submitted prior to the commencement of building for the provision of the shuttlebus service linking the development with Ashchurch Railway Station and Tewkesbury town centre.  The scheme should include days of operation, hours of operation, frequency of service, ticketing arrangements, thresholds for its provision and mechanism for review after three years.  Members were reminded that the application was subject to a Section 106 Agreement requiring transport contributions and £1.2M of mitigation measures for Tewkesbury town centre.

90.33         Having considered the information provided, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED subject to the suggested planning conditions and Section 106 Agreements to mitigate the impact on Tewkesbury town centre; to address transportation issues; to ensure that land was safeguarded for potential highway improvements to the A46 and Junction 9 of the M5; and subject to referral to the Secretary of State who must decide whether he wishes to determine the application himself.

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