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Reasons restricted > Agenda item

Agenda item

2016/17 Service Plans

To endorse the 2016/17 service plans.

Subject To Call In::No - Ongoing Matter.


That the 2016/17 Service Plans be ENDORSED.  


94.1           The report of the Corporate Services Group Manager, circulated at Pages No. 78-115, provided the service plans for each service for 2016/17. Members were asked to endorse those plans.   

94.2           Members were advised that the service plans contained the key non-daily activities which were intended to be carried out during the year. Officers would update Lead Members on those activities at their Portfolio Briefings. The service plan also showed the progress against 2015/16 actions and any outstanding actions had been carried forward as appropriate.

94.3           Having considered the service plans, it was

Action By:CE

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