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Agenda item

Agenda item

Performance Management Report - Quarter Three 2015/16

To receive and respond to the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s review of the quarter three performance management information.

Subject To Call In::No - Item to Note.


That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s comments on the Performance Management Report for Quarter Three of 2015/16 be NOTED.   


93.1           The report of the Corporate Services Group Manager, circulated at Pages No. 20-77, asked Members to review and, if appropriate, take action on the observations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following its review of the 2015/16 quarter three performance management information.   

93.2           Attention was drawn to the observations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, attached to the report at Appendix 1; the Council Plan Performance Tracker, attached at Appendix 2; the Key Performance Indicator set, attached at Appendix 3; Revenue Budget Summary Statement, attached at Appendix 4; the Capital Monitoring Statement, attached at Appendix 5; and the Revenues Position Summary which was attached to the report at Appendix 6.

93.3           The Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chair explained that Council performance over the past quarter had generally been good with some key areas of excellent performance which had included the new Leisure Centre being completed on target; the completion of the planning and environmental health service reviews; the launch of the new Tewkesbury tourism website; and the Borough-wide roll-out of the place approach. Given the wide range of performance that Officers reported on, Members had also been made aware of areas that were not progressing as planned. One Member had drawn particular attention to the length of time it was taking to rent out office space within the public services centre and the Deputy Chief Executive had explained that negotiations were ongoing with a group of partners but they were currently confidential. Timescales were dependent on other organisations and their consultation processes but it was anticipated that a clearer steer would be gained over the next couple of months and Members would be kept updated. In relation to the Council Plan action ‘to work with the Local Enterprise Partnership to initiate projects identified within the Strategic Economic Plan’, a Member had asked for clarification on the update in respect of ‘environment and resources efficiency’. The Economic and Community Development Manager had explained that the Local Enterprise Partnership had been awarded European funding and there were now opportunities for organisations to bid for projects of an environmental nature. A Member had also raised concerns about the fact that reports of enviro-crimes, particularly fly-tipping, seemed to be increasing and she questioned whether the Overview and Scrutiny Review Working Group needed to be resurrected. The Environmental and Housing Services Group Manager had advised that fly-tipping had been raised as an issue at the Joint Waste Committee and that it was a national issue. In addition, a proposed action within the new Council Plan was for the Council to consider its approach to enviro-crimes with a particular focus on fly-tipping and dog fouling. In terms of the Key Performance Indicators, a Member had noted that the planning systems review had been completed but he had not seen any changes to the service provided; particularly in relation to customer care, and he asked when Members would be presented with the review report. The Deputy Chief Executive had clarified that, while part of the project was complete, changes to the way work was carried out within the department would be ongoing. It was also important to recognise that the number of applications being received was at a record high which inevitably had an impact on performance figures.

93.4           During the discussion which ensued, a Member indicated that the Borough Council had made a request to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s grant fund for £750 to maintain CCTV cameras; that grant application had been rejected and she questioned whether the Council could find the funding from elsewhere to continue the work in hot spot fly-tipping areas. In response, the Deputy Chief Executive indicated that this was a priority action for the Interim Environmental and Housing Services Group Manager so the operation of the cameras would continue. The Member also questioned whether Tewkesbury Borough Council had ever successfully prosecuted anyone for fly-tipping and she was advised that the Borough Council had never had a successful prosecution but it did intend to take an enforcement approach and was raising its profile as a deterrent.

93.5           Accordingly, it was

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