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Agenda item

Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel

To consider the Panel’s report and determine a Scheme of Allowances. 


55.1           The report of the Democratic Services Manager, circulated at Pages No. 7-23, set out the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on the Council’s Scheme of Members Allowances. Members were asked to consider the advice of the Panel and determine the Scheme of Allowances to take effect on 1 April 2016 following expiry of the existing arrangements.

55.2           The Chair of the Independent Remuneration Panel, Richard Blamey, explained that the Independent Remuneration Panel was established through government regulation but it had no power to enforce and was there merely to consider the evidence and make its recommendations to the Council. In introducing himself he advised Members that, in addition to chairing the Independent Remuneration Panel at Tewkesbury he had also chaired Gloucestershire County Council’s Panel for the last two years. He expressed his pleasure that all of his fellow Panel members were in attendance at the evening’s meeting. He explained that the whole Panel had been appointed in February last year; at which time they had only had chance to undertake a ‘light touch’ review for the 2015/16 Scheme. In preparing the recommendations for the 2016/17 Scheme, the Panel had interviewed approximately 20 Councillors and analysed an enormous amount of data. The Panel had noted that Tewkesbury Borough Council had among the highest Basic Allowance but it was not felt this should be cut; particularly as the Special Responsibility Allowances were relatively low. With this in mind the Panel’s recommendations sought to increase the Special Responsibility Allowances slightly and to see Members being paid for each Special Responsibility Allowance that they were entitled to. The full details of the Panel’s recommendations could be found at Pages No. 21 and 22 of the report attached to the Agenda.

55.3           The Mayor thanked Mr Blamey for his introduction and for the Panel’s recommendations.

55.4           The Leader of the Council thanked the Panel for their hard work and the effort they had put in, particularly interviewing so many Members. He felt the report was a fair analysis of the work undertaken by Councillors and he could see that a lot of evidence had been assessed. He noted that the proposed Scheme was for a one year period only and he expressed a hope that the current Panel would feel able to remain in place for the forthcoming year. He felt that the Panel had taken the time to really understand the work of the Council and that was to be commended as it was not an easy task.

55.5           Upon being proposed and seconded, it was

                  RESOLVED          That the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration                            Panel for the 2016/17 Scheme of Allowances be AGREED as                                follows:

·      That the Basic Allowance payable to all Councillors remain at £7,200.

·      That the following Special Responsibility Allowances be payable:

Leader of the Council          £8,400

Deputy Leader                    £6,300

Lead Members (7)              £4,200

Committee Chairmen (5)    £2,100

Planning Committee        

Licensing Committee

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Audit Committee                          

Standards Committee

Mayor                                  £2,100

Deputy Mayor                     £1,300

·      That the provision which states that Councillors who carry out more than one role which would attract a Special Responsibility Allowance are only entitled to claim the highest applicable Special Responsibility be deleted from the Scheme and that any Member carrying out a role subject to a Special Responsibility Allowance should receive payment for each role undertaken.

(In respect of the current Mayor particularly, who was also a Lead Member; this provision should be back-dated so that he receives both Special Responsibility Allowances during his Mayoral Year. Accordingly, it is recommended that the provision in the 2015/16 Scheme restricting claims to one Special Responsibility Allowance be removed).

·      That no reference to IT be included in the Council’s Scheme of Allowances.

·      That the arrangements for travel allowances remain unchanged except that the reference to ‘journeys exceeding 50 miles in total will be payable at a mileage rate of 1p per mile after the first 50 miles’ be deleted as the Panel cannot see any rationale for this to remain in the Scheme.

·      That the arrangements for subsistence allowances remain unchanged except that the Democratic Services Group Manager be given delegated authority to approve increased amounts in special circumstances, such as visits to London, subject to them being reasonable and upon the production of receipts.

·      That the Dependent Carers’ Allowance remains in place but that the maximum amount payable be increased from £6 per hour to £7.20 in line with the living wage.

·      That it be noted that, from 1 April 2014, the entitlement of local Councillors to join the Local Government Pension Scheme was abolished.

·      That the repayment provision within the Scheme remain unchanged.

·      That the Scheme be introduced for one year from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, during which period the Panel will meet to review the Scheme and recommend any amendments if necessary. 

·      That no other changes be made to the Scheme of Allowances, including the Schedule of Approved Duties.

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