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Meeting attendance > Agenda item

Agenda item

Member Questions properly submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rules

To receive any questions submitted under Rule of Procedure 13. Any items received will be circulated on 26 January 2016.


(Any questions must be submitted in writing to Democratic Services by, not later than, 10.00am on the working day immediately preceding the date of the meeting).


54.1           The following question had been received from Councillor Mrs S E Hillier-Richardson to the Lead Member for Finance and Asset Management.  The answer was given by the Lead Member for Finance and Asset Management, Councillor D J Waters, but was taken as read without discussion.


Of the £150,000 set aside, from New Homes Bonus, for Community grants/projects each year, please could you let me know how much has been granted to the residents of communities in the Borough  and how much has been granted to the residents of Bishop’s Cleeve in the current financial year? Please could I have a breakdown of the amounts for each project or individual or organisation and the names of those receiving them?


The 2015/16 financial year was the first year where New Homes Bonus had supported community grants. Prior to this year, community grants had been provided through capital reserves. To date, £113,132 of New Homes Bonus had been allocated by the Grants Working Group to successful applicants. Of that sum, £20,800 had been granted to the St Michael’s Centre in Bishop’s Cleeve which represented 18.4% of New Homes Bonus currently allocated. The balance of the allocation, £92,332, had been granted to the following groups:

Winchcombe Skate Park


Woodmancote Village Hall Changing Rooms


TRAC Twyning, Fence


Prior’s Park Community Garden


Gloucester Young Carers- Tea Room Volunteering


Twyning Short Matt Bowls, equipment


Fair Shares


Rugby World Cup Legacy Grant


54.2           The following questions had been received from Councillor Mrs S E Hillier-Richardson to the Lead Member for Built Environment.  The answers were given by the Lead Member for Built Environment, Councillor D M M Davies, but were taken as read without discussion.


For each of the last 3 years:

1.    How many affordable housing units were completed and available in the Bishop’s Cleeve area?

2.    How many residents with a declared connection to Bishop’s Cleeve were allocated these homes?

3.    How many residents with a declared connection to Bishop’s Cleeve remain on the Housing Register?

4.    How many affordable housing units are projected to be completed and available over the forthcoming year (2016-17)?


1.      How many affordable housing units were completed and available in the Bishop’s Cleeve area in 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16?

Bishop’s Cleeve





Completed new build affordable homes

39 Homelands 1

36 Homelands 1

21 Garage Site

23* Homelands 1


Of which rented


(7 allocated with Local Connection to B/C)


(6 were allocated with Local Connection to B/C)


(5 were allocated with Local Connection to B/C)


(18 allocated with local connection to B/C)

Of which shared ownership





Homelands 1 development had a Section 106 which stated a local connection was required for the whole of Tewkesbury Borough. However, the Local Lettings Plan on Homelands 1 required that 50% of the properties would be allocated to those with a local connection to Bishop’s Cleeve.

The “garage site developments” had a Section 106 which stated that a local connection to Tewkesbury Borough was required.  There was no local lettings plan.  

For Homelands 2 and Cleevelands a local lettings plan would be put in place for 50% of the properties.

*a further 12 were expected to complete in quarter four (four rented/eight shared ownership), totalling 35 for the current year.

2.         How many residents with a declared connection to Bishop’s Cleeve were allocated these homes?

          18 applicants.

3.         How many residents with a declared connection to Bishop’s Cleeve remain on the Housing Register?

242 applicants are registered on Gloucestershire Homeseeker as at today’s date.       

Of which:

140 applicants are in Bronze band (which indicated that there was no, or extremely low, housing need);

70 applicants were in Silver Band;

27 applicants were in Gold Band; and

5 applicants were in Emergency Band.

4.         How many affordable housing units are projected to be completed and available over the forthcoming year (2016-17)?

          2016/17 projected completions on Homelands 2 and Cleveland’s = 76 properties.

54.3           The Mayor invited any supplementary questions and, in response, the Member asked the following:

                  How is fairness and accessibility for all residents to grants ensured with advertising of the Grants Scheme throughout the Borough?

54.4           The Lead Member advised that the Scheme was publicised on the Council’s website and in the Borough News so it was available to all and advertised well.

54.5           The Member also asked:

                  In view of the answers to my original questions three and four, is it true that Section 106 money for affordable housing from a development could be used to provide rural housing in a village some eight to ten miles from that development? If this is true, where and when was this decided?

54.6           The Lead Member advised that he would investigate and provide a detailed response following the meeting.