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Agenda item

Agenda item

Update on Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review

To consider the progress of the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review. 


63.1           Attention was drawn to the update on the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review, circulated at Pages No. 129-135, which Members were asked to consider.

63.2           The Economic and Community Development Manager advised that the current Economic Development and Tourism Strategy ‘Regenerating and Growing the Economy’ was now at the end of its life and an Overview and Scrutiny Committee Working Group had been established to develop a new strategy.  Councillor R A Bird had been elected as the Chairman for the Working Group and there had been one meeting to date.  The purpose of the Working Group was to review current work; set priorities for the future; agree a time period for the strategy; and allocate required resources.  It was noted that the work would include a review of the current Small Business Grant Scheme.  Members had been made aware of the current landscape for economic development and tourism and, following discussions, the Working Group had agreed that growth was a key component to a new strategy and suggested an emerging vision “For Tewkesbury Borough to be the engine that delivers growth in Gloucestershire”.  Other key points, particularly in respect of tourism, included the need to support and make the most of larger attractions; utilise external funding opportunities for tourism attractions; and effective promotion of the area including associating with the Cotswold Tourism brand.  There had been a discussion around how best to support the town centre and the need to look at infrastructure requirements around growth e.g. J9 and J10 of the M5 and the need to link with the work of the J9 Area Member Reference Panel.  It was recognised that the emerging strategy should align with the Council Plan progress to ensure that they complemented one another; it was understood that economic development and growth would be a major focus within the new Council Plan.  In terms of timeframe, it was agreed that the strategy itself should have a lifespan of five years but that the work would actually go way beyond that.

63.3           The next meeting of the Working Group would focus on four main topics: ensuring the vision aligned with the J9 Area Member Reference Panel; providing information on economic data/employment sectors; discussing funding opportunities; and a presentation from the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), with particular focus on how the Council could best work with the LEP.  In response to a query regarding timescale, the Economic and Community Development Manager indicated that it had originally been intended to have the second meeting before Christmas, however, it had not been possible to find a suitable date.  On that basis, it was likely that the next meeting would now be held in January, subject to the availability of a representative from the LEP.

63.4           In response to a Member question regarding the employment growth in Gloucestershire, the Chief Executive explained that broadband provision for homes, and particularly businesses, would be a crucial consideration for many people thinking about relocating to the area.  Work was ongoing with Government and internet providers regarding provision within the area and he suggested that this should be referenced in the strategy as it would become increasingly important.  He advised that that the IT department of one of London’s teaching hospitals had recently relocated to Cornwall to make more effective use of space in the capital and this was something which should be taken into consideration in terms of the development of the Borough.  The Economic and Community Development Manager indicated that there was currently a scheme in place for businesses that were struggling with their broadband provision and he encouraged Members to put them in touch with Officers if they were aware of any as there was a possibility of funding.

63.5           The Chairman noted that four of the six motorway junctions in Gloucestershire were within Tewkesbury Borough and the potential for employment growth was tremendous.  He felt that the review of the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy was a crucial piece of work and it would be up to the Council to drive economic development for the success of the Borough.   It was subsequently

RESOLVED          That the update on the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy Review be NOTED.

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