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Agenda item

Heath and Safety - Risk Assessments Audit

To consider the progress which has been made in relation to the recommendations arising from the risk assessments audit.


24.1           Attention was drawn to the health and safety risk assessments audit report, circulated separately.  Members were asked to consider the progress which had been made in relation to the recommendations arising from the audit.

24.2           The Environmental and Housing Services Group Manager indicated that it had been recognised that a more effective IT system was required for risk assessments, which would allow working documents and previous actions to be stored, and she confirmed that a draft system had now been put in place.  All existing health and safety documents would be transferred by the end of October which would allow more effective monitoring on a regular basis.  In respect of risk assessments managed by the Asset Management team, a management plan had been created to identify risk and gaps.  To date, the asbestos risk gap had been identified, considered, actioned and documented on the plan.  Members were advised that 25 Council-owned properties were included in the management plan; of those properties, nine were known to contain asbestos and a further two were suspected to contain asbestos.  An inspection programme was now in place to monitor the identified risks.  It was a similar situation in relation to Legionella and the Asset Management team was now receiving training.  Risk assessments had been seen for the six properties with the potential to attract Legionella.  Fire risk assessments had been commissioned since 2013; management plans were in place and would be updated by the end of October 2015.  All electrical installation inspections were up to date with regard to portable appliance testing and the information would be recorded on the management plan by the end of October 2015.

24.3           Members were advised that there had been very limited risk assessments in place for grounds maintenance when it had transferred to Ubico in April 2015, however, the review of risk assessments was already part of the Ubico work plan and, therefore, work was progressing.  More site specific risk assessments were being carried out for particular areas and arrangements had been made with Ubico to report back to the Council via the ‘Keep Safe, Stay Healthy’ Group.  In relation to the gaps identified within community and economic development, risk assessment and lone working training had already taken place.  A further health and safety audit would be carried out within the next six months to ensure compliance.  The risk assessment training had been open to all departments and had emphasised the importance of keeping risk assessments up to date which would assist the Health and Safety Officer going forward.

24.4           In response to a query regarding the properties which contained asbestos, the Finance and Asset Management Group Manager confirmed that two of the properties were tenanted and the Asset Management team was working with the tenants to attain the level of asbestos etc.  A Member asked that more detailed information be provided to the Committee about the different types of asbestos and the location of the high risk areas, and the Environmental and Housing Services Group Manager undertook to provide this following the meeting.  A Member queried whether the Council obtained risk assessments from contractors and was assured that anyone procured to undertake work on behalf of the Council would be required to provide risk assessments.

24.5           It was

RESOLVED          That the progress made in relation to the recommendations arising from the health and safety risk assessments audit be NOTED.

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