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Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Monitoring Report

To consider the progress made in relation to the implementation of the actions in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-2016.


26.1           The report of the Development Services Group Manager, circulated at Pages No. 42-66, set out the progress which had been made against the actions contained within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-16 during the first two years.  Members were asked to consider the report. 

26.2           The Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-16 had been approved by the Executive Committee in September 2013 following an Overview and Scrutiny Committee review.  The Strategy focused on three key themes: to support, encourage and enable healthy active lifestyles; to facilitate opportunities for children and young people; and to provide an infrastructure which made it easier to be healthy.  The Strategy action plan was attached at Appendix 1 to the report, with progress against each action set out in the right hand column.  In terms of key achievements, the Community and Economic Development Manager advised that major progress had been made on the new leisure centre over the last 12 months.  Work had started on the site and the build was currently on time and on budget with a planned completion date of July 2016.  ‘Places for People’ had been appointed through the tender process to manage the facility over the next 15 years. 

26.3           He went on to explain that social prescribing was a new national initiative whereby referrals were made by GPs for non-medical providers of activity, advice, support and information provided by local groups and organisations.  Within Tewkesbury Borough there were three pilot social prescribing schemes, one for each of the three cluster areas that covered the Borough GP practices.  The Gloucester City Scheme, which covered Brockworth, Churchdown and Highnam surgeries, and the Tewkesbury Town Scheme, which covered the two Tewkesbury Town GP practices, both employed a Social Prescribing Hub Co-ordinator who took referrals directly from the GP and worked with patients on a one to one basis.  They were able to spend time with patients to really understand their situation, needs and interests in order to make appropriate recommendations to local services, groups and activities.  The Cheltenham scheme, which covered the GP practices in Bishop’s Cleeve and Winchcombe, worked differently in that the GPs made direct referrals to one of six agreed local organisations.  The type of support varied depending on the individual but could include healthy living, including weight management and exercise; building networks and making friends in the community; caring for someone in the home or elsewhere; housing related issues; or mental health and wellbeing.  The Council provided a supporting role in terms of providing information for the three areas and helping to develop the schemes, as well as involvement in the strategic direction for social prescribing. 

26.4           One further success was the introduction of women’s running clubs across the Borough.  The Women’s Running Network had originally started as a national campaign to encourage women who were not confident in running to take-up exercise.  There were now running groups in Tewkesbury, Winchcombe, Bishop’s Cleeve, Churchdown and Brockworth.  Women were encouraged to attend over a 10 week period with a group leader and there were approximately 330 active runners per week.  Tewkesbury Borough Council had provided support through training, promotion and sourcing venues.  From that relationship, the Council had been able to highlight potential running leaders from within the groups, and get them trained and qualified to form new groups in other parts of the Borough.  The group leaders also had input as competitors and marshals for the Tewkesbury half-marathon, which had over a thousand runners each year.  In addition, the internationally renowned Parkrun had commenced on 4 July 2015 on the Vineyards in Tewkesbury with funding assistance from the Council and support from the Sports Development team.  Finally, along with Run England, the Council had helped to establish a junior athletics club at Tewkesbury School by assisting with the set up and funding of coaches and equipment.

26.5           A Member sought an update on the new GP surgery in Tewkesbury and the Chief Executive confirmed that the project was on track but he would circulate a Member Update with more information in the near future.  The Chairman indicated that good progress had been made in respect of the actions in the Strategy and it was

RESOLVED          That the progress made in relation to the implementation of the actions in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-16 be NOTED.

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