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Agenda item

Notice of Motion - Car Parking in Tewkesbury

Councillor M G Sztymiak will propose and Councillor P N Workman will second that:

'this Council acknowledges the importance of car parking in Tewkesbury and the adverse impact a shortage of car parking can have on the vitality of the town's businesses. The Council also recognises the significant contribution made by small businesses and retailers to the local economy and seeks to support local commerce.

The new car parking price structure introduced in April this year is intended to help local trade by encouraging shoppers and visitors to stay longer in the town than the previous charging policy by offering better value parking over one hour.

This Council accepts that the town centre car parks are the most convenient for the majority of shoppers. It also accepts that the new car parking charges should mean increased use of the car parks which would affect the capacity of the car parks to support extra and longer visits.

The Council therefore resolves not to sell the Oldbury Road car park for a minimum of 12 months but to keep it as a car park so that the impact of the new charging structure on the capacity of the town’s parking can be assessed’. 


17.1           The Worshipful the Mayor referred to the Notice of Motion set out on the Agenda and indicated that, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, it was necessary for the Council firstly to decide whether it wished to debate and determine the Motion at this evening’s meeting, or whether it wished to refer the Motion, without debate, to a Committee for consideration with authority either to make a decision on the matter or to bring a recommendation back to Council.  Upon being put to the vote it was agreed that the Motion would be determined at the current meeting.

17.2           Councillor M G Sztymiak proposed and Councillor P N Workman seconded that:

'This Council acknowledges the importance of car parking in Tewkesbury and the adverse impact a shortage of car parking can have on the vitality of the town's businesses. The Council also recognises the significant contribution made by small businesses and retailers to the local economy and seeks to support local commerce.

The new car parking price structure introduced in April this year is intended to help local trade by encouraging shoppers and visitors to stay longer in the town than the previous charging policy by offering better value parking over one hour.

This Council accepts that the town centre car parks are the most convenient for the majority of shoppers. It also accepts that the new car parking charges should mean increased use of the car parks which would affect the capacity of the car parks to support extra and longer visits.

The Council therefore resolves not to sell the Oldbury Road car park for a minimum of 12 months but to keep it as a car park so that the impact of the new charging structure on the capacity of the town’s parking can be assessed’. 

17.3           In speaking to the Motion, Councillor Sztymiak expressed the view that the Council should remember that part of the reason for wanting to sell the Oldbury Road car park was the fact that it was underutilised. However, since that decision was taken a new Car Parking Strategy had been introduced which sought to encourage people to stay longer in the Town by revising the charges which now meant that it was more attractive and better value for money for visitors to stay longer than an hour. For this reason, he felt it was essential that the Council waited for 12 months before selling the car park as this would allow an assessment of the effect of the new parking charges and strategy on the Town and its car parks. The car park was a valuable public asset which was vital to businesses and the organisations that operated in the Town. In seconding the Motion, Councillor Workman advised that the future of the Oldbury Road car park was one of the biggest decisions to affect the Council in recent years. He felt that the Car Parking Strategy would have the effect that the Council was hoping for; in encouraging visitors to remain longer in the Town, and therefore the Council would be foolish to sell the asset.

17.4           In response, a Member indicated that the Parking Strategy did acknowledge the importance of parking in Tewkesbury. However, Oldbury Road car park had not been included for consideration within that Strategy. In addition, the car park had now been sold subject to contract and any delay in the sale would result in penalties for the Council. In addition, he expressed the view that he was in favour of the proposed development and as such he was against the Motion. He felt there was sufficient parking capacity within the Town and that the sale should proceed. Another Member questioned whether the Council had a start date for development from the purchaser of the car park site. In response, she was advised that the Council had not yet been advised of a start date but it was understood that a planning application was imminent and it would certainly be hoped that the development would commence shortly after planning consent was received. One Member questioned whether the proposer would withdraw his Motion given that the Council would incur financial penalties if there was a delay but the proposer of the Motion declined.

17.5           In summing up, the proposer of the Motion indicated that there were alternative uses for the car park but there was no evidence that they would bring benefits to the Town. He argued in strong terms that the additional car parking space that was offered by Oldbury Road car park was absolutely necessary as if people could not find anywhere to park on their first visit they would not return. With this in mind, he was of the view that those that voted against his Motion would not be helping the prosperity of the Town.

17.6           Upon being put to the vote the Motion was lost and it was

                  RESOLVED          That the following Motion not be agreed:

'This Council acknowledges the importance of car parking in Tewkesbury and the adverse impact a shortage of car parking can have on the vitality of the town's businesses. The Council also recognises the significant contribution made by small businesses and retailers to the local economy and seeks to support local commerce.

The new car parking price structure introduced in April this year is intended to help local trade by encouraging shoppers and visitors to stay longer in the town than the previous charging policy by offering better value parking over one hour.

This Council accepts that the town centre car parks are the most convenient for the majority of shoppers. It also accepts that the new car parking charges should mean increased use of the car parks which would affect the capacity of the car parks to support extra and longer visits.

The Council therefore resolves not to sell the Oldbury Road car park for a minimum of 12 months but to keep it as a car park so that the impact of the new charging structure on the capacity of the town’s parking can be assessed’.