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Agenda and minutes > Agenda item

Agenda item

Membership of Committees, Lead Members and Appointment to Outside Bodies

Any papers available prior to the meeting will be circulated to all Members.

1.      To determine the Membership of the:

  • Executive Committee
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Planning Committee
  • Licensing Committee
  • Standards Committee
  • Ad-hoc Committees

o  Employee Appeals Committee

o  Employee Appointments Committee

o  Housing Allocations and Homelessness Review Committee

2.      In accordance with the Constitution, to receive a report from the Leader of the Council and

a.  to confirm the number of Lead Members on the Executive Committee and the scope of their Portfolios

b.  to determine the areas for which a Member Specialist is required and appoint accordingly.

c.  to determine any other proposals put forward in the Leaders’ report.

3.      To determine:

         a.  the Outside Bodies to which the Council should make appointments and the                      representation on those Bodies.

         b. the Council’s appointments to the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel, the                  shared Legal Services Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group and the Shared Building             Control Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group.

4.      The Membership of the Board of Severn Vale Housing Society runs for the term of the Council. Members are therefore asked to agree the Membership of the Board (the Lead Member for Health and Wellbeing plus one other).

5.      The Council will at this stage adjourn for a brief period to allow each Committee, as set out below, to hold a formal meeting to conduct the business set out in the enclosed Agenda: 


1.      Overview and Scrutiny Committee                                

2.      Audit Committee                                                    

3.      Planning Committee                                              

4.       Licensing Committee 

5.       Standards Committee   


 Report of the Leader of the Council

14.1           The Leader of the Council indicated that, as part of the Constitution, he was required to report at the Annual Council meeting on the number of Lead Members and scope of their Portfolios for the coming year, the number of Specialist Members and the specialist areas to be covered, and any other matters in relation to the political management of the Council.

14.2           Accordingly, he proposed that the number of the Executive Committee be reduced from 10 Members to nine Members and that there be nine Portfolios with the Leader of the Council taking on a Corporate Portfolio with eight other Portfolios covering:

Customer Focus

Organisational Development

Finance and Asset Management

Built Environment

Clean and Green Environment


Economic Development/Promotion

Health and Wellbeing

 He also proposed that each Portfolio Holder should have a Support Member from the same Political Party who would attend the Portfolio Holder Briefings in order to be fully informed of what was happening within the Portfolio. The Support Member would not represent the Portfolio Holder at meetings or deal with the press in relation to Portfolio matters.

14.3           The Leader indicated that there were a number of Working Groups, Boards and Panels that needed to be established under the new Council but in light of the composition of the Council he proposed that authority be delegated to the Borough Solicitor, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader, to review the constitution/composition of the following and establish them if required:

Community Infrastructure Levy Working Group

Planning Policy Reference Panel

Leisure Facility Member Reference Group

Member Development Working Group

Flood Risk Management Group

Grants Working Group

Junction 9 Area Member Reference Panel

Transform Working Group

Joint Staff Consultative Group

The Horsford Trust

Chief Executive Appraisal Panel

Tree Panel

14.4           Members agreed and, accordingly, it was

                  RESOLVED          That the Leader’s report be NOTED and authority delegated to                               the Borough Solicitor, in consultation with the Leader and                                         Deputy Leader, to review the constitution/composition of the                                    Groups set out in Minute No. 14.3 above and establish them if                            required.

Membership of Committees 2015/16

14.5           Upon being proposed and seconded it was

RESOLVED          That the following Committee Memberships be AGREED:  


R E Allen

Mrs K J Berry

R A Bird

D M M Davies

M Dean

Mrs E J MacTiernan

J R Mason

R J E Vines

D J Waters







Mrs K J Berry

Mrs G F Blackwell

G J Bocking

Mrs J E Day

A J Evans

R Furolo

R E Garnham

Mrs P A Godwin

Mrs J Greening

Mrs R M Hatton

Mrs A Hollaway

A S Reece

H A E Turbyfield

M J Williams

P N Workman


R E Allen

R A Bird

Mrs G F Blackwell

D M M Davies

M Dean

R D East

J H Evetts

D T Foyle

Mrs M A Gore

Mrs J Greening

Mrs A Hollaway

Mrs E J MacTiernan

J R Mason

A S Reece

T A Spencer

Mrs P E Stokes

P D Surman

R J E Vines

P N Workman

Overview and Scrutiny

P W Awford

Mrs G F Blackwell

G J Bocking

K J Cromwell

Mrs J E Day

R D East

D T Foyle

Mrs R M Hatton

Mrs H C McLain

T A Spencer

Mrs P E Stokes

P D Surman

M G Sztymiak

H A E Turbyfield

M J Williams



M Dean

Mrs S E Hillier-Richardson

T A Spencer

P D Surman

M G Sztymiak

H A E Turbyfield 

M J Williams


K J Cromwell

A J Evans

R Furolo

Mrs P A Godwin

B C J Hesketh

Mrs S E Hillier-Richardson

Mrs H C McLain



Employee Appeals

(any 5 from 8)

Mrs K J Berry

Mrs G F Blackwell

Mrs J E Day

R E Garnham

Mrs M A Gore

Mrs E J MacTiernan

J R Mason

P D Surman

Employee Appointments (5)

R E Allen

M Dean

R E Garnham

Mrs E J MacTiernan

M G Sztymiak

Housing Allocations and Homelessness Review (any 5 from 9)

Mrs G F Blackwell

Mrs J E Day

R Furolo

Mrs P A Godwin

Mrs R M Hatton

Mrs E J MacTiernan

J R Mason

Mrs P E Stokes

M J Williams                            


Outside Bodies 2015/16, Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel, Shared Legal Services Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group, Shared Building Control Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group and Severn Vale Housing Society

14.6           Upon being proposed and seconded, it was

                   RESOLVED         1. That the following Outside Body Representation be                                                  AGREED:

2gether NHS Foundation Trust (observer)

R E Allen

A48 Meeting

D M M Davies

Ambulance Trust (observer)

R E Allen

Cleeve Common Board of Conservators

R D East

Community Safety Partnership

Lead Member (Community)

Mrs E J MacTiernan  

Cotswolds AONB Conservation Board

M Dean

District Councils Network

Leader of the Council

G First/LEP (plus 1 reserve)

Lead Member (Economic Development/ Promotion)

Mrs E J MacTiernan 

Gloucester and District Citizens’ Advice Bureau

A J Evans

Gloucestershire Airport Consultative Committee

M J Williams

Gloucestershire County Cycle Forum

A J Evans

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (observer)

Mrs J E Day

Gloucestershire Joint Waste Committee

Lead Member (Clean & Green Environment)

Leader of the Council  

Gloucestershire Playing Fields Association

D T Foyle

Gloucestershire Waste Partnership

Lead Member (Clean & Green Environment)

Leadership Gloucestershire (plus 1 reserve)

Leader of the Council

Deputy Leader of the Council

Local Government Association

Leader of the Council

* should the Leader of the Council be unable to attend the Annual Local Government Association Conference in any year, authority will be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to appoint a representative to attend.

Lower Severn (2005) Internal Drainage Board

P W Awford

Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) Adjudication Joint Committee

K J Cromwell

J R Mason

Prior’s Park Neighbourhood Project

Mrs J Greening

Riverside Partnership

Lead Member (Built Environment)

Lead Member (Economic Development/Promotion)

Lead Member (Health and Wellbeing)

Mrs E J MacTiernan

Roses Theatre Trust

Mrs A Hollaway

Safe at Home Advisory Group (formerly known as Anchor Staying Put Advisory Group)

Mrs J E Day

Mrs M A Gore

South West Councils

Leader of the Council

R E Allen (Deputy)

South West Councils – Employers Panel

D M M Davies

Tewkesbury Road Safety Liaison Group

K J Cromwell

M Dean

Tewkesbury District Twinning Association Management Committee

P W Awford

Tewkesbury Regeneration Partnership

Lead Member (Built Environment)

Lead Member (Economic Development/Promotion)

Lead Member (Health and Wellbeing)

Tewkesbury Swimming Bath Trust Management Committee

P W Awford

R A Bird

K J Cromwell

Mrs J E Day

R Furolo

Mrs J Greening

A S Reece

V D Smith

T A Spencer

P N Workman

Winchcombe Sports Hall Management Committee

Mrs J E Day

Winchcombe Town Trust

J R Mason

2. That Councillor R E Garnham be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel and that Councillor R E Allen be appointed as the reserve Member.

3. That the Lead Member for Corporate Governance and Councillor D T Foyle be appointed as the Council’s representatives on the Shared Legal Services Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group and that Councillors Mrs M A Gore and Mrs H C McLain be appointed as the substitutes.

4. That the Lead Member for Built Environment and Councillor R D East be appointed as the Council’s representatives on the Shared Building Control Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group.

5. That the Lead Member for Health and Wellbeing and Councillor D J Waters be appointed as the Council’s representatives on the Board of Severn Vale Housing Society for the term of the Council.

Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen, County Council Health and Care Scrutiny Committee and Gloucestershire Economic Growth Scrutiny Committee 

14.7           Members of each Committee took turns to elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee elected representatives to the County Council’s Health and Care Scrutiny Committee and the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Scrutiny Committee. Accordingly it was

                  RESOLVED          1. That the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen for each Committee                                    be AGREED as follows:

                                                    Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

                                                    Chairman – Councillor P W Awford 

                                                    Vice-Chairman – Councillor Mrs G F Blackwell

                                                    Audit Committee:

                                                    Chairman – Councillor R Furolo

                                                    Vice-Chairman – Councillor Mrs H C McLain 

                                                    Planning Committee:

                                                    Chairman – Councillor J H Evetts

                                                    Vice-Chairman – Councillor R D East

                                                    Licensing Committee:

                                                    Chairman – Councillor R E Garnham 

                                                    Vice-Chairman – Councillor Mrs J Greening 

                                                    Standards Committee

                                                    Chairman – Councillor P D Surman 

                                                    Vice-Chairman – Councillor M J Williams 

                                                2.  That Councillor Mrs J E Day be the Council’s nominated                                         representative on the County Council’s Health and Care                                          Scrutiny Committee.

                                                3. That Councillor P W Awford be the Council’s nominated                                          representative on the Gloucestershire Economic Growth                                        Scrutiny Committee and that Councillor K J Cromwell be the                              reserve.

Supporting documents: