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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Democratic Services, Tel: (01684) 272021 Fax: (01684) 272040  Email:

No. Item



When the continuous alarm sounds you must evacuate the building by the nearest available fire exit. Members and visitors should proceed to the visitors’ car park at the front of the building and await further instructions (during office hours staff should proceed to their usual assembly point; outside of office hours proceed to the visitors’ car park). Please do not re-enter the building unless instructed to do so.


In the event of a fire any person with a disability should be assisted in leaving the building.


35.1           The evacuation procedure, as noted on the Agenda, was advised to those present.

35.2           Members were reminded that, at its meeting on 17 May 2016, the Council had confirmed the Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committee as a permanent arrangement.  The Chair gave a brief outline of the scheme and the procedure for Planning Committee meetings. 


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions

To receive apologies for absence and advise of any substitutions. 


36.1           Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors M A Gore, P E Stokes, P D Surman, D J Waters and P N Workman.  Councillors R E Allen, P W Awford and H A E Turbyfield would be acting as substitutes for the meeting. 


Declarations of Interest

Pursuant to the adoption by the Council on 26 June 2012 of the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct, effective from 1 July 2012, as set out in Minute No. CL.34, Members are invited to declare any interest they may have in the business set out on the Agenda to which the approved Code applies.


37.1           The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Council on 26 June 2012 and took effect from 1 July 2012.

37.2           The following declarations were made:


Application No./Agenda Item

Nature of Interest (where disclosed)

Declared Action in respect of Disclosure

R E Allen

16/01453/FUL Almsbury,              Vineyard Street, Winchcombe.

16/01454/LBC Almsbury,               Vineyard Street, Winchcombe.

Had received correspondence in relation to the applications but had not expressed an opinion.

Would speak and vote.

P W Awford

17/00618/FUL Knapp Farm, Hill Farm, Birdlip Hill, Witcombe.

Had received correspondence in relation to the application but had not expressed an opinion.

Would speak and vote.

M Dean

17/00239/FUL Newlands Park, Southam Lane, Southam.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area.

Would speak and vote.

J H Evetts

16/01453/FUL Almsbury,              Vineyard Street, Winchcombe.

16/01454/LBC Almsbury,               Vineyard Street, Winchcombe.

Had historically had conversations with the applicant but had not expressed an opinion.

Would speak and vote.

J H Evetts

17/00670/FUL             Land at Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh.

Had a telephone conversation with the applicant but had not expressed an opinion.

Would speak and vote.

A Hollaway

17/01023/FUL Burley Fields, Crippetts Lane, Leckhampton.

Had involvement with car boot sales across the borough but did not have a personal or prejudicial interest in this application which would prevent her from participating in the debate.

Would speak and vote.

A Hollaway

17/00239/FUL Newlands Park, Southam Lane, Southam.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area.

Lives next to the application site.

Had written a letter in support of the application.

Would not speak or vote and would leave the Chamber for consideration of this item.

J R Mason

16/01453/FUL Almsbury,              Vineyard Street, Winchcombe.

16/01454/LBC Almsbury,               Vineyard Street, Winchcombe.


Is a Member of Winchcombe Town Council but does not participate in planning matters.

These applications had been considered at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Town Council in accordance with its custom and practice for dealing with large scale planning applications; however, he had not attended the meeting and had not expressed an opinion in relation to the applications.

Would speak and vote.

J R Mason

17/00903/FUL                   5 Whitmore Road, Winchcombe.

Is a Member of Winchcome Town Council but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

37.3           No further declarations were made on this occasion.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 9 MB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2017.


38.1           The Minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2017, copies of which had been circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 


Development Control - Applications to the Borough Council


Schedule pdf icon PDF 7 MB

To consider the accompanying Schedule of Planning Applications and proposals, marked Appendix “A”.


Parish and Reference



Item/page number







Knapp Farm Hill Farm Birdlip Hill Witcombe


6     /   395

Click Here To View



Bishops Cleeve





19 Huxley Way Bishops Cleeve Cheltenham


10     /  417

Click Here To View



Bishops Cleeve





Land off Evesham Road Evesham Road

Bishops Cleeve

Delegated Permit

7     /   400

Click Here To View








Land at Blacksmith Lane The Leigh

Delegated Permit

3     /     379

Click Here To View








Land rear of Rectory Farm Maisemore


15     /   448

Click Here To View








Land adjacent to Rosedale House  Main Road  Minsterworth  GL2 8JH

Delegated Permit

12     /    426

Click Here To View








Part Parcel 1228 Main Road Minsterworth

Delegated Permit

11     /    420

Click Here To View








Land at Appithorne Main Road Minsterworth


14     /    442

Click Here To View








Land at Barn Farm Tewkesbury Road Norton

Delegated Permit

13     /    437

Click Here To View









Burley Fields Crippetts Lane Leckhampton

GL51 4XT


8     /    406

Click Here To View








Newlands Park Southam Lane Southam


9     /    411

Click Here To View








Tewkesbury Abbey Caravan Club Site Gander Lane Tewkesbury


4     /     385

Click Here To View








Almsbury Vineyard Street Winchcombe

Delegated Refuse

1     /     353

Click Here To View








Almsbury Vineyard Street Winchcombe

Refuse Consent

2     /     374

Click Here To View








5 Whitmore Road Winchcombe


5     /     392

Click Here To View




39.1           The Development Manager submitted a Schedule comprising planning applications and proposals with recommendations thereon.  Copies of this had been circulated to Members as Appendix A to the Agenda for the meeting.  The objections to, support for, and observations upon the various applications as referred to in Appendix 1 attached to these Minutes were presented to the Committee and duly taken into consideration by Members prior to decisions being made on those applications.

16/01453/FUL – Almsbury, Vineyard Street, Winchcombe

39.2           This application was for the proposed construction of a 52 bed care home and 53 assisted living units (C2 use), including the conversion of Almsbury Barns, with associated hard and soft landscaping and parking.  The Committee visited the application site on Friday 20 October 2017.

39.3           The Planning Officer advised that the current site comprised a range of stone barns which were individually Grade II listed and the 3.2 hectare plot lay wholly within the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and within the Winchcombe Conservation Area.  The open parkland landscape of the Sudeley Castle estate adjoined the site to the south.  The eastern portion of the site was located within Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the site was close to the River Isbourne and Beesmoor Brook.  The site lay outside of the residential development boundary and outside of the built up area boundary of the town as defined within the adopted Winchcombe and Sudeley Neighbourhood Plan.  The current proposal sought to demolish the existing modern farm buildings and erect a two and a half storey, 52 bedroom care home to provide for elderly, frail and dementia patients.  The scheme also included the construction of 53 assisted living units comprising self-contained one and two bedroom apartments, bungalows and three bed dwellings/cottages.  Vehicular access was proposed via Vineyard Street. 

39.4           Weighing against the proposal was the fact that the site was beyond the current settlement boundary for Winchcombe and therefore did not comply with saved Local Plan Policy HOU4.  Furthermore, it was outside of the Winchcombe and Sudeley Neighbourhood Plan identified built-up area and therefore was contrary to Policy 3.1 of that plan.  It was also considered that there would be significant harm to the designated heritage assets including the Grade II listed Almsbury Farm buildings, Grade I listed Sudeley Castle and its Grade II star registered park and garden, and the Winchcombe Conservation Area, and the proposal would result in demonstrable harm to the special landscape character of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  It was also noted that there was no appropriate planning obligation in relation to affordable housing.  County Highways had recommended refusal of the application on the basis that it failed to demonstrate safe and suitable access and failed to create a safe and secure layout which minimised conflict between traffic, cyclists and pedestrians.  The Environment Agency had raised objection on flood risk grounds and considered that the submitted Flood Risk Assessment was not sufficiently detailed and further assessment of the risk to and from  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39a


Current Appeals and Appeal Decisions Update pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To consider current Planning and Enforcement Appeals and CLG Appeal Decisions.


40.1           Attention was drawn to the current appeals and appeal decisions update, circulated at Pages No. 35-41.  Members were asked to consider the current planning and enforcement appeals received and the Department for Communities and Local Government appeal decisions issued.

40.2           A Member noted that the report did not make reference to the appeal decision in respect of 16/00481/OUT, Kyderminster Road, Winchcombe and the Development Manager confirmed that it would be included in the next report.  It was subsequently

RESOLVED          That the current appeals and appeal decisions update be NOTED.