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Meetings > Agenda, decisions and minutes

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Democratic Services, Tel: (01684) 272021 Fax: (01684) 272040  Email:

No. Item



When the continuous alarm sounds you must evacuate the building by the nearest available fire exit. Members and visitors should proceed to the visitors’ car park at the front of the building and await further instructions (staff should proceed to their usual assembly point). Please do not re-enter the building unless instructed to do so.


In the event of a fire any person with a disability should be assisted in leaving the building.  


40.1           The evacuation procedure, as noted on the Agenda, was advised to those present.

40.2           The Chair welcomed Jamie Mattock, Principal Development Co-ordinator, and Oliver Eden, Development Co-ordinator, from Gloucestershire County Highways to the meeting.

40.3           Members were reminded that, at its meeting on 17 May 2016, the Council had confirmed the Scheme for Public Participation at Planning Committee as a permanent arrangement.  The Chair gave a brief outline of the scheme and the procedure for Planning Committee meetings. 


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions

To receive apologies for absence and advise of any substitutions. 


41.1           Apologies for absence were received from Councillors R A Bird and R J E Vines.  Councillors Mrs R M Hatton and H A E Turbyfield would be acting as substitutes for the meeting. 


Declarations of Interest

Pursuant to the adoption by the Council on 26 June 2012 of the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct, effective from 1 July 2012, as set out in Minute No. CL.34, Members are invited to declare any interest they may have in the business set out on the Agenda to which the approved Code applies.


42.1           The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Council on 26 June 2012 and took effect from 1 July 2012.

42.2           The following declarations were made:


Application No./Item

Nature of Interest (where disclosed)

Declared Action in respect of Disclosure

R E Allen

16/00894/FUL Lynch Lane Farm, Greenway Lane, Gretton.

16/00895/LBC Lynch Lane Farm, Greenway Lane, Gretton.

Had received correspondence and telephone calls in relation to the applications but had not expressed an opinion.

Would speak and vote.

Mrs G F Blackwell

16/00936/FUL                 2 Crifty Craft Lane, Churchdown.

Is a Member of Churchdown Parish Council but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

M Dean

16/00890/FUL                The Crofts,                 Butts Lane, Woodmancote.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area.

Would speak and vote.

R D East

General Declaration.

Had received correspondence in relation to various applications but had not expressed an opinion.

Would speak and vote.

Mrs M A Gore

16/00241/FUL      Land Parcels 7946 and 9067, 300087 Walton Cardiff Road to Newtown Farm, Ashchurch.

Is a Borough Councillor for Stoke Orchard and had attended several meetings in relation to the application, including a presentation by the developer held at the Parish Council, but had not expressed an opinion.

Would speak and vote.

Mrs A Hollaway

16/00890/FUL              The Croft,                     Butts Lane, Woodmancote.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area.

Her family own land next door to the application site.

Would not speak or vote and would leave the Chamber for consideration of this item.

Mrs P E Stokes

16/00936/FUL                     2 Crifty Craft Lane, Churchdown.

Is a Member of Churchdown Parish Council but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

42.3           There were no further declarations made on this occasion.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2016.


43.1           The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2016, copies of which had been circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 


Development Control - Applications to the Borough Council


Schedule pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To consider the accompanying Schedule of Planning Applications and proposals, marked Appendix “A”.


Ashchurch Rural





Land Parcels 7946 & 9067 300087 Walton Cardiff Road to Newtown Farm Ashchurch Tewkesbury


Click Here To View







Land Between Brook Cottage & Riamble Shurdington Road Shurdington


Click Here To View


Bishops Cleeve





21 Station Road Bishops Cleeve Cheltenham



Click Here To View


Bishops Cleeve





Homelands 2 Bishops Cleeve Cheltenham

Delegated Approve

Click Here To View


Bishops Cleeve





8 Stoke Park Close Bishops Cleeve Cheltenham


Click Here To View







2 Crifty Craft Lane Churchdown Gloucester


Click Here To View







Lynch Lane Farm Greenway Lane Gretton


Click Here To View







Lynch Lane Farm Greenway Lane Gretton


Click Here To View








Part Parcel 0085 Land West of Bredon Road Tewkesbury


Click Here To View







P J Nicholls 3 Ashchurch Road Tewkesbury



Click Here To View







P J Nicholls 3 Ashchurch Road Tewkesbury



Click Here To View







18 & 20 York Road Tewkesbury GL20 5HJ



Click Here To View







The Croft Butts Lane Woodmancote



Click Here To View



44.1           The Development Manager submitted a Schedule comprising planning applications and proposals with recommendations thereon.  Copies of this had been circulated to Members as Appendix A to the Agenda for the meeting.  The objections to, support for, and observations upon the various applications as referred to in Appendix 1 attached to these Minutes were presented to the Committee and duly taken into consideration by them prior to decisions being made on those applications.

16/00241/FUL – Land Parcels 7946 and 9067, 300087 Walton Cardiff Road to Newtown Farm, Ashchurch

44.2           This application was for the erection of a biomass-based anaerobic digestion (AD) facility and associated works.  The Committee had visited the application site on Friday 21 October 2016.

44.3           The Chair invited John Hargreaves, representing Ashchurch Rural Parish Council, to address the Committee.  Mr Hargreaves indicated that the applicant had stated at its presentations that the plant had to be in this particular location because the gas pipe ran under the site.  Whilst it was true that the gas pipe did run under the site, it also ran into Wales via Tirley from Fiddington and on through Teddington to Stratford-Upon-Avon so there were other sites suitable for an AD plant which had better access for heavy goods vehicles and were in the same catchment area.  Fiddington had no gas pipe network for domestic use and would not actually benefit from the gas being produced there.  The development comprised seven massive domes and holding tanks up to 18.5m high which was taller than a six storey block of flats.  As the Landscape Officer stated in his report, it was industrial use which would cause harm to the local community due to its scale, form and proximity and would exert an adverse impact upon landscape character.  With regard to highways, he noted that the National Planning Policy Framework promoted sustainable transport by protecting vulnerable road users.  Gloucestershire County Highways had produced a report to demonstrate that the mitigation works, which included widening the lanes; piping ditches; and removing grass verges and some hedges; would also remove the refuge for vulnerable road users.  These changes would facilitate 15,500 annual tractor movements, which equated to 75 movements per day or one every 6.5 minutes for six months of the year, and would turn the typical rural lanes into an industrial road network.  The bridleways and footpaths, including the Gloucestershire Way, would be in danger of disappearing as vulnerable road users would be less likely to venture out onto the lanes.  The applicant had failed to prove that the development would be sustainable, eco-friendly and carbon neutral; Ecotricity had stated that the plant would be carbon positive for 20 years which meant that it would be producing more carbon than it saved for 20 years.  As well as producing useful Methane gas (55%), which would be pumped into the gas main, it would also produce harmful gas ammonia and Carbon Dioxide (45%) which would be released directly into the atmosphere and this needed to be added  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44a


Development Control - Applications to the County Council

To note the following decisions of Gloucestershire County Council:





Land at Shurdington Road



Variation of condition 2 of planning permission reference 07/0016/TWMAJM, granted on 22/08/2007[for sand extraction and ancillary development with restoration back to original levels by infilling with inert material], to permit the extraction of sand until 31 October 2016 and restoration of the site by 31 August 2018.


Application PERMITTED subject to conditions relating to commencement of the development; duration; working programme, phasing and direction of working; permitted development; removal of plant and machinery; hours of working; noise, lighting; water protection and pollution; access, traffic and protection of the highway; landscaping; restoration; and aftercare, for the following summary of reasons:


The Mineral Planning Authority considers that the time delay is justified if the remaining useful mineral resource can be extracted over the course of the next few months and a satisfactory restoration scheme can still be secured, even if delayed by 2 years.  The site is not considered to be visually prominent and there are no overriding biodiversity reasons why the restoration would negatively impact in terms of biodiversity interest on the site.


The extraction of mineral is an acceptable form of development in the Green Belt which does not cause any material harm and is in accordance with Paragraph 90 of the National Planning Policy Framework.  The proposal will facilitate an acceptable restoration of a Green Belt site to an agricultural after-use in accordance with Policy E9 of the Minerals Local Plan.  The Mineral Planning Authority considers that any adverse potential pollution effects can be mitigated through appropriate planning conditions in accordance with Policy DC1 of the Minerals Local Plan and there are no material considerations that indicate that the application should be refused.



Cheltenham West Community Fire Station

Tewkesbury Road



Extension to existing fence.

Application PERMITTED subject to conditions relating to the commencement and scope of development for the following summary of reasons:


With the detailed planning conditions attached the detailed design, scale and character are considered acceptable and appropriate given its location. There are not considered to be any unacceptable adverse impacts on neighbouring amenity or on the openness of the Green Belt arising from the development. The fence will contribute to minimising the noise generated by operational activities of the Fire Service. The development accords with national and local planning policy and guidance.



45.1           The following decisions of Gloucestershire County Council were NOTED:




Land at Shurdington Road



Variation of condition 2 of planning permission reference 07/0016/TWMAJM, granted on 22/08/2007 [for sand extraction and ancillary development with restoration back to original levels by infilling with inert material], to permit the extraction of sand until 31 October 2016 and restoration of the site by 31 August 2018.


Application PERMITTED subject to conditions relating to commencement of the development; duration; working programme, phasing and direction of working; permitted development; removal of plant and machinery; hours of working; noise, lighting; water protection and pollution; access, traffic and protection of the highway; landscaping; restoration; and aftercare, for the following summary of reasons:


The Mineral Planning Authority considers that the time delay is justified if the remaining useful mineral resource can be extracted over the course of the next few months and a satisfactory restoration scheme can still be secured, even if delayed by 2 years.  The site is not considered to be visually prominent and there are no overriding biodiversity reasons why the restoration would negatively impact in terms of biodiversity interest on the site.


The extraction of mineral is an acceptable form of development in the Green Belt which does not cause any material harm and is in accordance with Paragraph 90 of the National Planning Policy Framework.  The proposal will facilitate an acceptable restoration of a Green Belt site to an agricultural after-use in accordance with Policy E9 of the Minerals Local Plan.  The Mineral Planning Authority considers that any adverse potential pollution effects can be mitigated through appropriate planning conditions in accordance with Policy DC1 of the Minerals Local Plan and there are no material considerations that indicate that the application should be refused.



Cheltenham West Community Fire Station

Tewkesbury Road



Extension to existing fence.

Application PERMITTED subject to conditions relating to the commencement and scope of development for the following summary of reasons:


With the detailed planning conditions attached the detailed design, scale and character are considered acceptable and appropriate given its location. There are not considered to be any unacceptable adverse impacts on neighbouring amenity or on the openness of the Green Belt arising from the development. The fence will contribute to minimising the noise generated by operational activities of the Fire Service. The development accords with national and local planning policy and guidance.



Current Appeals and Appeal Decisions Update pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To consider current Planning and Enforcement Appeals and CLG Appeal Decisions.


46.1           Attention was drawn to the current appeals and appeal decisions update, circulated at Pages No. 16-23.  Members were asked to consider the current planning and enforcement appeals received and the Department of Communities and Local Government appeal decisions issued.

46.2           It was

RESOLVED          That the current appeals and appeal decisions update be NOTED.


Advanced Site Visits Briefing pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To note those applications which have been identified as being subject to a Committee Site Visit on the Friday prior to the Planning Committee meeting at which they will be considered. 


47.1           Attention was drawn to the Advanced Site Visits Briefing, circulated at Page No. 24, which set out those applications that had been identified as ones which would be subject to a Committee Site Visit on the Friday prior to the Planning Committee meeting at which they would be considered.  Members were asked to note the applications contained within the briefing.

47.2           It was

RESOLVED          That the Advanced Site Visits Briefing be NOTED