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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Democratic Services, Tel: (01684) 272021 Fax: (01684) 272040  Email:

No. Item



When the continuous alarm sounds you must evacuate the building by the nearest available fire exit. Members and visitors should proceed to the visitors’ car park at the front of the building and await further instructions (staff should proceed to their usual assembly point). Please do not re-enter the building unless instructed to do so.


In the event of a fire any person with a disability should be assisted in leaving the building.  


33.1           The evacuation procedure, as noted on the Agenda, was advised to those present.

33.2           Members were reminded that, at its meeting on 17 May 2016, the Council had confirmed the Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committee as a permanent arrangement.  The Chair gave a brief outline of the scheme and the procedure for Planning Committee meetings. 


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions

To receive apologies for absence and advise of any substitutions. 


34.1           Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors R A Bird and D M M Davies.  Councillor H A E Turbyfield would be acting as a substitute for the meeting. 


Declarations of Interest

Pursuant to the adoption by the Council on 26 June 2012 of the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct, effective from 1 July 2012, as set out in Minute No. CL.34, Members are invited to declare any interest they may have in the business set out on the Agenda to which the approved Code applies.


35.1           The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Council on 26 June 2012 and took effect from 1 July 2012.

35.2           The following declarations were made:


Application No./Item

Nature of Interest (where disclosed)

Declared Action in respect of Disclosure

Mrs G F Blackwell

16/00638/FUL  208A Cheltenham Road East, Churchdown.

16/00441/FUL Clovelly,                   Belmont Avenue, Hucclecote.

Is a Member of Churchdown and Hucclecote Parish Councils but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

Mrs M A Gore

16/00803/OBM Land North East of Duckstone House, Dean Lane,                Stoke Orchard.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area.

Had sat in a number of meetings and had a lot of discussions regarding the Section 106 Agreement but not specifically in relation to this application.

Would speak and vote.

J R Mason

16/00534/FUL Great House,  Castle Street, Winchcombe.

16/00712/LBC Great House,  Castle Street, Winchcombe.

Is a Member of Winchcombe Parish Council but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

Mrs P E Stokes

16/00638/FUL  208A Cheltenham Road East, Churchdown.

Is a Member of Churchdown Parish Council but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

R J E Vines

16/00441/FUL Clovelly,                Belmont Avenue, Hucclecote.

Is a Gloucestershire County Councillor for the area.

Would speak and vote.

P N Workman

16/00623/FUL                6 The Mews,                Back of Avon, Tewkesbury.

16/00759/FUL                  2 High Street, Tewkesbury.

Is a Member of Tewkesbury Town Council but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

P N Workman

16/00818/FUL              Old Yard Cottage, Twyning Green, Twyning.

The applicant is his tenant.

Would speak and vote.

35.3           There were no further declarations made on this occasion.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 30 August 2016.


36.1           The Minutes of the meeting held on 30 August 2016, copies of which had been circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Development Control - Applications to the Borough Council


Schedule pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To consider the accompanying Schedule of Planning Applications and proposals, marked Appendix “A”.


Ashchurch Rural





Part Parcel 3400 Columbine Road Walton Cardiff Tewkesbury

Delegated Approve


Click Here To View








Part Parcel 7812 Lawn Road Ashleworth



Click Here To View



Bishops Cleeve





39 St Michaels Avenue Bishops Cleeve



Click Here To View








Burhill Farm Buckland Broadway

Prior Approval Approved


Click Here To View








208A Cheltenham Road East Churchdown



Click Here To View








Clovelly Belmont Avenue Hucclecote

Delegated Permit


Click Here To View








Land at Starcroft Lane Main Road Minsterworth



Click Here To View



Stoke Orchard & Tredington





Land North East of Duckstone House Dean Lane

Stoke Orchard



Click Here To View








6 The Mews Back of Avon Tewkesbury



Click Here To View








2 High Street Tewkesbury Gloucestershire



Click Here To View







Part Parcel 2269 off Fleet Lane Twyning Tewkesbury

Delegated Permit


Click Here To View







Old Yard Cottage Twyning Green Twyning Tewkesbury



Click Here To View








Great House Castle Street Winchcombe Cheltenham



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Great House Castle Street Winchcombe Cheltenham



Click Here To View




37.1           The Development Manager submitted a Schedule comprising planning applications and proposals with recommendations thereon.  Copies of this had been circulated to Members as Appendix A to the Agenda for the meeting.  The objections to, support for, and observations upon the various applications as referred to in Appendix 1 attached to these Minutes were presented to the Committee and duly taken into consideration by them prior to decisions being made on those applications.

16/00257/FUL – Part Parcel 7812, Lawn Road, Ashleworth

37.2           This application was for change of use of land to a gypsy site for two pitches including laying of hardstanding and erection of associated ancillary building.

37.3           The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this application.  The Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  Upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

16/00534/FUL – Great House, Castle Street, Winchcombe

37.4           This application was for the erection of a single storey extension.

37.5           The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item.  The Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he invited a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  Upon being taken to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

16/00712/LBC– Great House, Castle Street, Winchcombe

37.6           This was a listed building consent application for the erection of a single storey extension.  It was noted that the vehicular access gates no longer formed part of the application.

37.7           The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item.  The Officer recommendation was to grant consent and he invited a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be granted consent in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  Upon being taken to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be GRANTED CONSENT in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

16/00623/FUL – 6 The Mews, Back of Avon, Tewkesbury

37.8           This application was for the replacement of existing windows with cream UPVC windows and a replacement door on the front elevation.

37.9           The Chair indicated that there were no public speakers for this item.  The Officer recommendation was to permit the application and he sought a motion from the floor.  It was proposed and seconded that the application be permitted in accordance with the Officer recommendation.  The proposer of the motion indicated that he did not generally like to see UPVC windows within Tewkesbury Town but he felt that there was no other choice in this case.  Upon being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED          That the application be PERMITTED in accordance with the Officer recommendation.

16/00759/FUL – 2 High Street, Tewkesbury

37.10         This application was for a change  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37a


Current Appeals and Appeal Decisions Update pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To consider current Planning and Enforcement Appeals and CLG Appeal Decisions.


38.1           Attention was drawn to the current appeals and appeal decisions update, circulated at Pages No. 31-37.  Members were asked to consider the current planning and enforcement appeals received and the Department of Communities and Local Government appeal decisions issued.

38.2           A Member was sad to see that application 15/01007/FUL, Vine Tree Farm, The Wharf, Coombe Hill - for a proposed replacement dwelling with attached garage building; hard and soft landscaping and provision of a new access and driveway (revised scheme) - had been allowed by the Inspector at appeal.  The Planning Officer indicated that this disappointment was shared by the Planning team.

38.3           It was

RESOLVED          That the current appeals and appeal decisions update be NOTED.


Advanced Site Visits Briefing pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To note those applications which have been identified as being subject to a Committee Site Visit on the Friday prior to the Planning Committee meeting at which they will be considered. 


39.1           Attention was drawn to the Advanced Site Visits Briefing, circulated at Page No. 38, which set out those applications that had been identified as ones which would be subject to a Committee Site Visit on the Friday prior to the Planning Committee meeting at which they would be considered. Members were asked to note the applications contained within the briefing.

39.2           It was

RESOLVED          That the Advanced Site Visits Briefing be NOTED.