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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Democratic Services, Tel: (01684) 272021 Fax: (01684) 272040  Email:

No. Item



When the continuous alarm sounds you must evacuate the building by the nearest available fire exit. Members and visitors should proceed to the visitors’ car park at the front of the building and await further instructions (staff should proceed to their usual assembly point). Please do not re-enter the building unless instructed to do so.


In the event of a fire any person with a disability should be assisted in leaving the building.  


52.1           The evacuation procedure, as noted on the Agenda, was advised to those present.

52.2           Members were reminded that the Council had resolved to introduce a Scheme of Public Speaking at Planning Committee for a 12 month period, starting with the new term of the Council in May 2015, which had therefore commenced with the meeting on 9 June 2015.  The Chairman gave a brief outline of the scheme and the procedure for Planning Committee meetings. 


Declarations of Interest

Pursuant to the adoption by the Council on 26 June 2012 of the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct, effective from 1 July 2012, as set out in Minute No. CL.34, Members are invited to declare any interest they may have in the business set out on the Agenda to which the approved Code applies.


53.1           The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Tewkesbury Borough Council Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Council on 26 June 2012 and took effect from 1 July 2012.

53.2           The following declarations were made:


Application No./Item

Nature of Interest (where disclosed)

Declared Action in respect of Disclosure

P W Awford

15/00965/OUT             Land Off Nup End, Ashleworth.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area.

Would speak but would not vote as he is not a Member of the Planning Committee.

A J Evans

15/00755/FUL  Land at Ashville Business Park, Commerce Road, Churchdown.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area.

Would speak but would not vote as he is not a Member of the Planning Committee.

Mrs J Greening

15/01098/FUL Brooklands,                 Abbots Road, Tewkesbury.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area and had visited the application site.

Would speak and vote.

Mrs A Hollaway

15/01081/FUL  Land on the West Side, New Road, Southam.

Is a Borough Councillor for the area.

Is a Member of Southam Parish Council but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

Mrs P E Stokes

15/00755/FUL  Land at Ashville Business Park, Commerce Road, Churchdown.

Is a Member of Churchdown Parish Council but does not participate in planning matters.

Would speak and vote.

R J E Vines

15/00982/FUL Hayden Hill Fruit Farm, Old Gloucester Road, Boddington.

15/01068/APP   Land Parcel 21A Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth

15/00816/APP Parcel 5B, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth.

Is a Gloucestershire County Councillor for the area.

Would speak and vote.

53.3           There were no further declarations made on this occasion.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 227 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2015.


54.1           The Minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2015, copies of which had been circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 


Development Control - Applications to the Borough Council


Schedule pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To consider the accompanying Schedule of Planning Applications and proposals, marked Appendix “A”.







6 St Margarets Road Alderton Tewkesbury


Click Here To View






Land off Nup End Ashleworth 


Click Here To View


Bishops Cleeve




2 Southam Fields Farm Meadoway Bishops Cleeve


Click Here To View


Bishops Cleeve




8 Haylea Road Bishops Cleeve Cheltenham


Click Here To View






Hayden Hill Fruit Farm Old Gloucester Road Boddington


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Land at Ashville Business Park Commerce Road Churchdown

Delegated Permit

Click Here To View






Parcel 5B Gloucester Business Park Brockworth

Delegated Approve

Click Here To View






Land Parcel 21A Gloucester Business Park Brockworth


Click Here To View






Todpool Cottage  The Leigh GL19 4AG


Click Here To View






Land to East of Tewkesbury Road & North of Longford Lane Longford Gloucester

Delegated Approve

Click Here To View






Land on the West Side New Road Southam Cheltenham


Click Here To View






Brooklands  Abbots Road Tewkesbury Gloucestershire


Click Here To View




55.1           The Development Manager submitted a Schedule comprising planning applications and proposals with recommendations thereon.  Copies of this had been circulated to Members as Appendix A to the Agenda for the meeting.  The objections to, support for, and observations upon the various applications as referred to in Appendix 1 attached to these Minutes were presented to the Committee and duly taken into consideration by them prior to decisions being made on those applications.

14/01201/FUL – Todpool Cottage, The Leigh

55.2           This application was for the demolition of three pre-fabricated concrete garages/lean-to and construction of a two storey detached dwelling house.

55.3           The Chairman invited John Arkle, a representative from Leigh Parish Council, to address the Committee.  He advised that Leigh Parish Council represented Coombe Hill and The Leigh which joined along the A38 and was counted as one community.  They shared the same local services including a pub, church, farm shop, convenience store and garage.  They were ideally situated alongside the A38 with bus services to Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury, and therefore convenient for major stores, employment and rail stations.  Faster broadband had been provided in early 2015 allowing residents to take advantage of the shift towards online working.  The children were collected by bus for the local school, unlike urban communities where most parents now seemed to take their children by car.  They were able to walk safely down the village roads where there was no through traffic.  The Parish Council had therefore been amazed that the site was referenced by Tewkesbury Borough Council as an ‘isolated countryside location’.  The latest report seemed to have no knowledge of country living, or any understanding of the Parish, and had not listened to the Parish Council’s comments.  The Parish Council supported this application, and another being progressed, as it wanted to ensure that the next generation was able to live in the village whilst allowing existing residents to remain.  The Leigh village started just half a mile from the shop and pub and was the larger of the two settlements within the Parish with 80 houses, compared to 49 at Coombe Hill which had been designated as a Service Village in the Joint Core Strategy.  He indicated that Paragraph 55 of the National Planning Policy Framework stated that, where there were groups of smaller settlements, development in one village may support services in a nearby village.  As a Parish, discussions were ongoing with Gloucestershire Rural Community Council in relation to the options regarding affordable homes in The Leigh and, following a request from Tewkesbury Borough Council and Gloucestershire Rural Community Council, a Committee had been established to develop a Neighbourhood Plan which Tewkesbury Borough Council agreed should include the entire Parish.  However, based on the latest report on this application, with its misconceptions and mistaken conclusions, it was felt that the Parish Council could be wasting its time.  The Parish Council appreciated any development on an infill basis and, whilst it did not wish to see large scale, profit-led development, it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55a


Current Appeals and Appeal Decisions Update pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To consider current Planning and Enforcement Appeals and CLG Appeal Decisions.


56.1           Attention was drawn to the current appeals and appeal decision update, circulated at Pages No. 34-37.  Members were asked to consider the current planning and enforcement appeals received and the Communities and Local Government (CLG) appeal decisions issued.

56.2           It was

RESOLVED          That the current appeals and appeal decisions update be NOTED.


Advanced Site Visits Briefing pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To note those applications which have been identified as being subject to a Committee Site Visit on the Friday prior to the Planning Committee meeting at which they will be considered. 


57.1           Attention was drawn to the Advanced Site Visits Briefing, circulated at Pages No. 38-39, which set out those applications that had been identified as ones which would be subject to a Committee Site Visit on the Friday prior to the Planning Committee meeting at which they would be considered.  Members were asked to note the applications in the briefing.

57.2           A Member indicated that she found it quite confusing that some of the applications in the briefing note were included on the Planning Schedule for the present meeting and therefore the Committee would have already visited those sites by the time the meeting took place.  The Development Manager explained that Members were usually notified of the sites which would be subject to a Committee Site Visit on the Tuesday prior to the visit i.e. one week before the Committee itself, but the Planning Agenda was published before that time.  He undertook to discuss this with his colleagues following the meeting to see if it could be dealt with in another way.

57.3           It was

RESOLVED          That the Advanced Site Visits briefing be NOTED.